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    testo 312-4 - Manometro differenziale

    0632 0327
    testo 312-4
    testo 312
  1. Verifica preliminare e indiretta UNI 11137 nelle tubazioni del gas
  2. Prova di tenuta UNI 7129 con aria per caduta di pressione nelle tubazioni del gas
  3. Pressure test nelle tubazioni dell'acqua potabile e dell'acqua di scarico con aria
  4. Registrazione automatica dei valori misurati per diverse ore
  5. Il manometro differenziale elettronico testo 312-4 è la soluzione ideale per svolgere tutti i controlli necessari negli impianti di riscaldamento a gas e nelle tubazioni dell'acqua e del gas. Le procedure di prova pre-configurate per le verifiche UNI 7129 e UNI 11137 nelle tubazioni del gas, vi supportano in modo ideale nello svolgimento del vostro lavoro quotidiano.

    Diverse norme descrivono le prove che devono essere svolte prima di mettere in funzione le tubazioni dell'acqua e del gas. Il manometro differenziale testo 312-4 offre procedure di prova pre-configurate per le verifiche preliminari e principali così come per la prova di tenuta nelle tubazioni del gas con aria. Inoltre permette di controllare la pressione del gas e di regolare la pressione al bruciatore.

    Misure che sono possibili con il manometro differenziale testo 312-4

    • Verifica principale e prova di tenuta dopo caduta di pressione nelle tubazioni del gas secondo le norme UNI 7129 e UNI 11137
    • Verifica preliminare per impianti con giunti a pressare o tubi multistrato con l'aiuto del sensore alta pressione (opzionale)
    • Pressure test nelle tubazioni dell'acqua potabile con acqua e – con l'aiuto del sensore alta pressione opzionale – secondo la norma DIN 1988 (TRWI), così come con aria
    • Pressure test nelle tubazioni dell'acqua di scarico con l'aiuto del sensore alta pressione (opzionale)
    • Controllo del regolatore della pressione del gas mediante la registrazione del valori di misura per un tempo predefinito (max. 25.000 valori)
    • Controllo della pressione del raccordo del gas e al bruciatore per la regolazione
    Principali caratteristiche del manometro differenziale
    Per misurare con la necessaria efficienza la pressione, il manometro testo 312-4 offre la massima facilità d'uso: ad es. grazie alle procedure di prova pre-configurate o alla visualizzazione chiara dei valori di misura sul display di grandi dimensioni. Con la stampante rapida testo opzionale potete inoltre stampare un protocollo di misura direttamente sul posto. Per la trasmissione e l'analisi dei dati è disponibile il software per PC opzionale easyheat. Inoltre, al manometro differenziale è possibile collegare ulteriori sonde opzionali per svolgere diverse misure (ad es. sensore alta pressione o sonda con termocoppia per misurare la temperatura).
    Testo, inoltre a preparato due kit per semplificare la scelta degli accessori per le applicazioni sugli impianti gas oppure gas e acqua.

    Manometro differenziale testo 312-4 con batterie e protocollo di collaudo.

    Temperatura - TC Tipo K (NiCr-Ni)

    Campo di misura
    secondo la sonda utilizzata
    ±0,4 °C (-100 a +200 °C)*
    ±1 °C (Campo rimanente)*
    0,01 °C
    *Accuracy information applies only to instrument without probes connected

    Pressione differenziale (sensore interno)

    Campo di misura
    0 a 200 hPa
    ±2 hPa o ±1 % del valore di fondo scala (41 a +200 hPa)
    ±0,03 hPa (0 a +3 hPa)
    ±1,5 % del v.m. (+3,1 a +40 hPa)
    0,01 hPa

    Pressione (sonda esterna)

    Campo di misura
    0 a 25 bar
    ±0,6 % del valore di fondo scala (>10 a 25 bar)
    ±0,6 % del valore di fondo scala (0 a 10 bar)
    10 hPa


  6. Accessories
    Connection cable
    Cavo di collegamento
      0430 0143
      € 60,00 € 73,20
    • Accessories
      9V rech. battery for instrument
      Batteria ricaricabile 9V per strumento
        0515 0025
      • Accessories
        TopSafe (custodia di protezione)
          0516 0446
          € 57,00 € 69,54
        • Pressure measurements on burners

          Checking the gas pressure on burners is one of the standard measurements during services of domestic heating systems. This involves measuring the gas flow pressure and gas resting pressure of the system. The flow pressure, also called supplied pressure, refers to the gas pressure of the flowing gas and resting pressure of the static gas. If the flow pressure for gas boilers is slightly outside the 18 to 25 mbar range, adjustments must not be made and the appliance must not be put into operation. If the burner is nevertheless put into operation, it will not be able to function properly and, when the flame is generated, small explosions will occur and ultimately malfunctions; the burner will therefore shut down and the heating system will fail.


          Pressure tests on gas pipes (load test)

          The technical regulation for gas installations (in short: TRGI) is a binding and at the same time important regulation for skilled tradespeople. The TRGI governs how gas installations are to be planned, designed, serviced and maintained. This applies to all gas installations. This regulation is taken care of by the German Association for Gas and Water (DVGW). The TRGI 2008 is the current version. Amongst other things, this states that gas pipes are to be tested according to the construction phase (basic shell, completion and repairs). Load testing is one of the checks that plays a role in the application stated here: in this process, the material of a gas pipe is tested for stability and the connections for service life; this takes place prior to plastering over or concealment of the gas pipes. During load testing, the newly installed pipe, without fittings or gas appliances, is put under 1 bar pressure. The testing medium is air or inert gas. There must be no pressure drop detected during the test, which lasts at least 10 minutes.

          Pressure tests on water pipes

          According to the legal regulations of DIN EN 806-4, DIN 1988-7 and DIN 1610, drinking and waste water pipes are to be tested for leaks before being put into service by means of a pressure test with air, inert gas or water; they are also to undergo load testing with air or inert gas. However, for reasons of hygiene, it is best if the pipes remain dry until shortly before commissioning and do not undergo a leak test using water. A pressure test with air is also recommended to prevent metallic materials from corroding. The pressure test is split into two pressure-related parts where test pressure and time depend on the objective (load or leak). Leaks can usually be heard very quickly. If it is difficult to locate the leaks, the usual auxiliary tools and materials for gas pipes are used (spraying or brushing on foaming solutions).


          Pressure tests on gas pipes (leak, load test)

          The technical regulation for gas installations (in short: TRGI) is a binding and at the same time important regulation for skilled tradespeople. The TRGI governs how gas installations are to be planned, designed, serviced and maintained. This applies to all gas installations. This regulation is taken care of by the German Association for Gas and Water (DVGW). The TRGI 2008 is the current version. Amongst other things, this states that gas pipes are to be tested according to the construction phase (basic shell, completion and repairs). The following checks in particular play a role in the application stated here:

          Load test
          In this process, the material is tested for stability and the connections for service life; this takes place prior to plastering over or concealment of the gas pipes. During load testing, the newly installed pipe, without fittings or gas appliances, is subjected to 1 bar pressure. The testing medium is air or inert gas. There must be no pressure drop detected during the test, which lasts at least 10 minutes.

          Leak test
          This test is for checking the pipe for leaks, with fittings and without gas appliances. The measuring instrument must not register any drop in pressure during the minimum 10-minute testing period (depending on the system volume); the test pressure is 150 mbar (previously 110 mbar).


          Temperature measurements on radiators

          When measuring temperatures on radiators, the flow and return temperature are recorded in particular and assessed by the tradespeople. The flow temperature is defined as the temperature of the thermal transfer medium (e.g. water) that the system is supplied with. The temperature of the medium flowing out of the system is correspondingly called the return temperature. To prevent losses within the heat distribution system and achieve a better level of efficiency, spot recording of flow and return temperatures is necessary. Implementation of relevant measures ultimately leads to hydraulic adjustment on the basis of knowledge about the flow and return temperatures. This defines a procedure with which every radiator or heating circuit of a flat radiator within a heating system is supplied at a set flow temperature with the precise amount of heat needed to achieve the ambient temperature required for the individual rooms. Flawed operating conditions will result in considerable excess consumption of electricity and heating energy. The German Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV) requires hydraulic adjustment for systems being set up or overhauled for this very reason.

          Pressure tests on gas pipes (leak test with external high pressure probe, load test)

          The technical regulation for gas installations (in short: TRGI) is a binding and at the same time important regulation for skilled tradespeople. The TRGI governs how gas installations are to be planned, designed, serviced and maintained. This applies to all gas installations. This regulation is taken care of by the German Association for Gas and Water (DVGW). The TRGI 2008 is the current version. Amongst other things, this states that gas pipes are to be tested according to the construction phase (basic shell, completion and repairs). The following checks in particular play a role in the application stated here:

          Load test
          In this process, the material is tested for stability and the connections for service life; this takes place prior to plastering over or concealment of the gas pipes. During load testing, the newly installed pipe, without fittings or gas appliances, is subjected to 1 bar pressure. The testing medium is air or inert gas. There must be no pressure drop detected during the test, which lasts at least 10 minutes.

          Leak test
          This test is for checking the pipe for leaks, with fittings and without gas appliances. The measuring instrument must not register any drop in pressure during the minimum 10-minute testing period (depending on the system volume); the test pressure is 150 mbar (previously 110 mbar).
