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    Robuuste vochtvoeler voor metingen tot +125 °C, kortstondig ...

    0636 2161
    € 600,00 € 726,00
  1. Probe for relative humidity and air temperature measurements
  2. Measurements of the material equilibrium moisture content possible
  3. Temperature measuring range: -20 to +125 °C (briefly up to +140 °C)
  4. Robuuste vochtvoeler voor metingen tot +125 °C, kortstondig tot +140 °C, Ø 12 mm, bv. terugvoerkanalen en voor metingen van materiaalvochtigheid, bv. bulkgoederen
    When connected to the testo 635 humidity and temperature measuring instrument, the robust humidity probe measures the relative humidity and temperature in storage, refrigerated and work areas or in air conditioning/ventilation ducts. In addition, a material equilibrium moisture content measurement can be carried out. To do this, the function for calculating the H2O content must be activated on the measuring instrument and the material of the object being measured must be set (anhydrite flowing screed, cement flowing screed, lime sand brick, concrete, high-insulation brick, solid brick, hard wood, soft wood, aerated concrete and particle board).

    The probe can also be connected to the testo 435-2 and testo 435-4 measuring instruments (however without the possibility of the measuring material equilibrium moisture content).

    Robust humidity probe with 1.8 m fixed cable.

  5. testo 635-1
    testo 635-1 - Temperatuur- en vochtmeter
      0560 6351
      € 357,00 € 431,97
    • testo 635-2 U-value promo set
      testo 635-2 - thermohygrometer set
        0563 6353
        € 1.229,00 € 1.487,09
      • testo 635-2
        testo 635-2 - Temperatuur- en vochtmeetinstrument
          0563 6352
          € 512,00 € 619,52
        • NTC

          -20 tot +125 °C
          ±0,4 °C (0 tot +50°C),
          ±0,5 °C (-20 tot 0°C, +50 tot +80°C)
          +1,2 % v. Mw. (overig meetbereik)

          Vochtigheid - capacitief

          0 tot +100 %rF
          stabiliteit op de lange termijn: ±1 %RH / year
          ±2 %rF bij +25 °C (+0 tot +100 %rF)
          *de nauwkeurigheid van de sensor komt overeen met de nauwkeurigheid van het systeem.
          ±0,03 %rF/K (k=1)

          Algemene technische gegevens

          diameter voelerbuis
          12 mm
          lengte voerlerbuis
          300 mm