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    Cold chain under control - even in difficult times.

    How measurement technology supports this.

    Food safety cold chain: despite disrupted supply chains and price pressure

    Food supply chains, and with them the logistics companies operating there, have been under massive pressure for some time. A complex interplay of various reasons have made empty shelves, long delivery times and price increases increasingly common worldwide.

    Right now, food logistics specialists are particularly challenged to ensure compliance with the cold chain and thus the safety of the food entrusted to them.

    These global factors influence food logistics

    Global food supply chains are a highly complex and sensitive entity whose stability depends on diverse factors. If one factor gets out of balance, the industry is strong enough to compensate. However, when conflicts occur on multiple fronts, global impacts cannot be avoided. This is the situation we have been facing since the summer of 2021.

    Since then, these three factors have caused short supply and increased prices: global conflicts, inflation, COVID-19 pandemic.

    Safe cold chain during uncertain times:Measuring instruments and measuring tips

    Incoming Goods

    The moment in which goods pass from another cold chain actor to your responsibility is critical for food safety compliance.

    The challenge:
    Time is short and a reliable core temperature measurement destroys the goods.

    What can you do? Apply this three-step procedure.

    You can find more information about measuring solutions in Incoming Goods here:

    First scan the surface with an infrared measuring instrument such as the testo 104 IR.

    If the temperature is clearly within the “green range”, the test is finished. For example: The yoghurt pots have a temperature of 5 °C (target: max. 8 °C).


    When monitoring food storage, the targeted use of measurement technology is important - data loggers and data monitoring systems in particular have proven their worth here. Stationary monitoring is also often necessary for refrigerated cabinets and cold rooms.

    For example with the radio data loggers testo Saveris 2, it is possible to efficiently check whether the installed refrigeration units provide the cooling capacity they are supposed to and that they have been planned appropriately for the premises. Because a faulty or inadequately dimensioned refrigeration unit results in unnecessary costs due to avoidable food spoilage.

    For more information on measurement solutions for food storage monitoring, click here:


    The quality and safety of refrigerated and frozen (and therefore cold chain-mandatory) foods can only be guaranteed if the prescribed temperatures are maintained without interruption: From production to storage, transport, intermediate storage and storage in retail.

    Additional certainty is provided by highly precise and seamlessly recorded measured values through targeted monitoring directly in the freight and in the truck. The transport data logger testo 184 is ideally suited for this purpose.

    Would you like to know more about measurement solutions for food transport? This way please:

    Everything at a glance - measurement solutions for the complete cold chain

    Professional food measuring instruments from Testo support you every day in ensuring that the cold chain is maintained efficiently and reliably - regardless of which link in the process chain you are working on.

    Brochure: Measurement technology cold chain

    • Decision-making aid: How to find the right measuring instrument

    • Products in detailed comparison

    Links and downloads: Ensure food safety, maintain cold chain

    Food measurement technology for the entire process chain

    Safe food all the way.

    Download: Practical tips for measuring correctly in the food industry

    Practical tips for measuring correctly

    Download: 60 pages with many practical tips for all those who work with food.

    Pocket guide food safety

    Download: The most important temperature limit values for food.

    Temperature limit values poster

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