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    3. Wlan data logger testo Saveris 2: Frequently asked questions

    Frequently asked questions about testo Saveris 2

    testo Saveris 2 data logger

    Commissioning of testo Saveris 2

    testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system

    Measuring locations and radio range

    Measurement locations Wireless data logger system testo Saveris 2

    Access to measurement data and data security

    Data security and data storage testo Saveris 2

    Use of the wireless data logger

    Use of the testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger

    Product information and expertise

    testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system

    testo Saveris 2

    Learn more

    System overview

    Climatic ambient conditions easily under control.

    Testo Cloud for the testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system

    Testo Cloud

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    More information about the Testo Cloud

    The advantages of the Testo Cloud at a glance: Here you will find the right licence package for your requirements.

    Video instructions testo Saveris 2

    Video instructions

    to the videos

    Video instructions

    Is it complicated to log in to the Testo Cloud? Not at all. See for yourself with the compact video tutorial.

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