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    2. testo 557s Smart Vacuum Kit with filling hoses

    testo 557s Smart Vacuum Kit with filling hoses - Smart digital manifold with wireless vacuum and clamp temperature probes and hose filling set with 4 hoses

    Product no. 0564 5572
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    testo 557s
    application testo 557s
    application testo 557s
    testo 557s
    Your advantages
  1. Completely wireless measurements and all results at a glance: thanks to Bluetooth probes and large graphic display
  2. Exceptionally compact and reliable thanks to the easy-to-handle, robust housing with IP 54 protection class
  3. Easy, wireless, flexible measurements and documentation: Temperature and vacuum measurements via automatic Bluetooth® connection, testo Smart App for documentation and lots more
  4. A3 and A2L compatible and over 90 stored refrigerants
  5. For completely wireless measurements on refrigeration and air conditioning systems and heat pumps. Thanks to the Bluetooth vacuum probe supplied, you can even measure vacuum without any cables or hoses. You will get the testo 557s smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 4-way valve block, one testo 552i wireless vacuum probe (Bluetooth), two testo 115i wireless clamp thermometers (Bluetooth, NTC), a hose filling set with 4 hoses and a robust transport case. For other wireless measurements, the Testo Smart Probes are ideal.
    • not available
      All results at a glance thanks to the large graphic display.

      All results at a glance thanks to the large graphic display.


    Delivery Scope

    • testo 557s digital 4-way manifold including batteries (4 x AA) and calibration protocol
    • 1 x testo 552i wireless Bluetooth vacuum probe
    • 2 x testo 115i wireless Bluetooth clamp thermometers
    • Hose filling set with 4 hoses
    • Transport case
    • testo Smart App (free download)
    • Instruction manuals

    Details on kit components

  6. Details on kit components
    testo 557s
      Product no.: 0564 5570
    • Details on kit components
      testo 552i
      testo 552i - App-controlled wireless vacuum probe
        Product no.: 0564 2552
      • Details on kit components
        testo 115i
        testo 115i - Clamp thermometer operated via smartphone
          Product no.: 0560 2115 02
        • Technical data


          Humidity probes

        • Humidity probes
          testo 605i
          testo 605i - thermohygrometer operated via smartphone
            Product no.:
            0560 2605 02
          • Temperature probes





            Refrigeration systems, air conditioning systems, heat pumps

            • Determination of high and low pressure, automatic determination of condensation and evaporation temperature and calculation of superheating/subcooling. All results can be read simultaneously on one screen
            • Tightness test: Recording and analysis of the pressure curve
            • Automatic calculation of the target superheat (in conjunction with the appropriate measuring instrument, e.g. Testo Smart Probe)
            • Measure vacuum: Graphic progression display of the measurement with indication of the start and differential value
            • Evacuation: Graphic progression display of the measurement with indication of the start and differential value (in conjunction with the appropriate Testo Smart Probe, e.g. testo 552i vacuum probe)