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    Testo is always committed to its customers to provide the best to them. However, it gives us more confidence to always strive for the best when our customers appreciate our products and services themselves.

    So, when we say Testo provides you the best, don't just take our word for it. Check what our customers say about us

    IR inspection of Power Transformers

    Testo measuring solutions in Railways

    Sound meters in Pollution Control Board

    Cooking Oil Quality @ Food Chains

    Medical Thermography

    Thermography for Solar applications

    Thermography in Plant Physiology

    Testo measuring solutions in RailwaysCooking Oil Testing at Pizza Ranch

    Compressed Air Savings

    Cooking Oil Testing by QSRs

    For monitoring Comfort Cooling Zone @ L'Oréal India

    Monitoring energy efficiency and emissions in marine diesel engines

    For Air Velocity Measurement in RAC System @ Keihin Fie Pvt Ltd

    Adjusting air conditioning and ventilation systems @ Bigeta Energy Solutions LLP

    Testo's most intuitive air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument for tea factory audit

    A turnkey solution for easy application of the HACCP method

    Testo Saveris System at HLL Lifecare

    Automated climate monitoring for protecting high-value art

    Data Monitoring System @ Dr. Reddy's

    Testo Data Monitoring System at Astrazeneca Pharma India Ltd

    Climate Monitoring for objects at Archeological Institute

    Preserving proper environmental conditions for maritime treasures