The main focus of your work at the pharmacy is people’s health. That is why you cannot take any risks when storing medicines, vaccines or blood reserves. Pharmaceuticals and substances that react sensitively to climatic fluctuations must be stored under controlled conditions.
In addition, compliance with the limit values at dispensing pharmacies have to be continuously monitored and documented. For those responsible, this takes a great deal of time and effort, because mistakes can have expensive consequences.
Unless you use a system that automatically monitors and documents the ambient conditions for you: With the testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system, you can monitor the temperature reliably, continuously and with minimal effort.
testo Saveris 2 is the perfect solution. I would recommend it unreservedly to my colleagues.
Dr. med. Frank Siefert
In sales room, storerooms and drugs refrigerators
In order to adhere to legal regulations
In order to guarantee the welfare of the patients
In order to avoid economic damage to the pharmacy
Every pharmacy is different. Thus you can put together your own testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system to suit the needs of your premises:
With the right loggers and the optimum Cloud licence for you. We would be happy to assist you with this.
If the refrigerator breaks down, things can quickly become awkward: insufficient cooling can cause quality defects and loss of value for your goods. The testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system enables you to prevent any losses of this kind: It offers automated temperature monitoring in refrigerators and a sophisticated alarm system for emergencies:
Automatic temperature monitoring in refrigerators: reliable and convenient
Clever alarm system: warning by e-mail or SMS for critical temperature values
Measuring value documentation can be accessed at any time
Advantages of the kit: equipment ideal for refrigerator temperature monitoring and attractive price
The data loggers are connected to the internet via WLAN and store the data online in the Cloud. The Cloud is the core operating element of your testo Saveris 2 system:
Set up the testo Saveris 2 system
Configure the loggers
Set the limit value alarms
Evaluate the measurement data
You can choose between the free Basic Cloud access and the extended Advanced licence.
testo Saveris 2 in the healthcare sector
World-leading conference for Pharma Supply Chain and Logistics
Learn moreProtecting priceless historic artefacts at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona
Learn moreHere, you can find out more about which measuring solutions can assist you in laboratories, in hospitals and during the transport of sensitive substances.
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