Illuminance and light distribution have a decisive influence on factors such as performance and safety in the workplace.
With a Testo lux meter, you ensure optimum interior light conditions. Typical fields of application for routine light measurement with a Testo lux meter are as follows:
Illumination in the workplace and in public buildings.
Light distribution in exhibitions and museums.
Lighting for machines on production lines.
The luminous power (unit: lumen) between a light source and the area illuminated by it is measured using the lux (lx) unit. The illuminance is exactly one lux when luminous power of one lumen (lm) uniformly illuminates an area of one square metre. A lux measuring device is called a or also a photometer.
As market leader, Testo offers high-precision, tried and tested luxmeters for light measurement.
Compact design: the handy lux meters are particularly well suited for fast, uncomplicated measurement.
Sensors match the spectral sensitivity of the human eye.
Convenient measuring value readout with Hold function.
Measurement in seconds: ideal for spot measurement in offices or retail outlets.
Large, clear displays. In addition, maximum and minimum values can easily be displayed at the touch of a button.
The eyes are a human being's most important sensory organ. We take in more than 80 percent of information via the eyes. So, the darker the environment is, the more difficult it is for us to take in information. This is why good light conditions are important, so that the eyes can carry out visual tasks effortlessly and reliably, but also for avoiding harm to health and hazards. A Testo lux meter means you can be sure to achieve high-precision compliance with legal standards and limit values for illumination in the workplace. This above all involves workplaces such as
Assembly shops
Operating theatres
PC workstations
Galleries and museums
Public libraries.
Luxmeter sollten bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen, um zuverlässig und präzise Lichtverhältnisse und Lichtstärke messen zu können:
Sensortyp: Wichtig bei einem Luxmeter ist die Art des Sensors, denn er muss das Umgebungslicht dem menschlichen Auge entsprechend wahrnehmen. Augen sind für Farben bzw. Wellenlängen unterschiedlich empfindlich und nehmen gelbes und grünes Licht besser wahr als etwa rotes oder blaues. Dies muss auch beim Sensor gewährleistet sein.
V-Lambda-Kurve: Luxmeter, die die Bewertung der Beleuchtungsstärke nach der V-Lambda-Kurve (Hellempfindlichkeitskurve) bewerten, sind für alle gängigen Lichtquellen geeignet.
Bedienung: Ein Luxmeter mit gut strukturiertem Messmenü, kann intuitiv bedient werden. Das erhöht die Effizienz und Präzision der Messung, da Messfehler durch versehentlich falsche Eingaben vermieden werden können. Hier sind die Messgeräte von Testo ganz vorn.
Displaygröße: Lux Messgeräte sollten – wie Messgeräte generell – über ein großes Display verfügen, so dass Sie die Messwerte schnell und genau ablesen können. Auch das hilft, Fehler bei der Erfassung der Messwerte zu vermeiden. Besonders, wenn es schnell gehen muss.
The first choice instrument specifically for the long-term recording of measurement data is a data logger. This means, for instance, that sensitive and valuable exhibits in museums and archives can be given outstanding protection using a WiFi data logger. An air velocity & IAQ logger with an integrated lux sensor, along with other sensors for recording temperature, humidity and UV, ensures comprehensive monitoring of the ambient conditions and illumination in museums. Convenient: functions such as data storage in the Testo Cloud and real-time alarm via e-mail.
Monitor light-sensitive exhibits with external lux probes. Simply connect the probe to the appropriate data logger and you can count on outstanding digital measurement certainty straight away. The measuring values are processed directly in the probe and thus even extremely long cable connections cannot impair the precision of the measuring values.
A Testo sound level meter means you are extremely well equipped for the measurement of industrial and environmental noise. Discover the measuring instrument which is ideally suited to your tasks and ensures that limit values and standards within your area of responsibility are accurately adhered to.
A tachometer from Testo provides you with perfect support for your tasks in air conditioning technology or industrial production. Testo offers you measuring instruments for non-contact rpm measurement via reflective marker and light beam or those with contact measurement via measuring wheel.
Are you looking for measuring instruments to monitor indoor air and ambient conditions? Testo also provides you with outstanding measurement solutions for these parameters. Determine carbon dioxide in the room air with high precision using aCO2 measuring device from the market leader. When it comes to flue gas measurement, you will best fulfil your responsibilities with a Testo CO meter. Our highly sensitive CO sensors record even the smallest concentrations of the perfidious respiratory poison, carbon monoxide, and issue acoustic and visual warnings.
The testo Smart App guides you quickly and easily through measurements on refrigeration, air conditioning and heating systems.
Newly added:
PRO measuring programs for increasing the efficiency of your applications
Compatible with all Bluetooth-enabled Testo measuring instruments
Direct report dispatch by e-mail
All measurement values at a glance
Intuitive measurement menus
Free download, free use
PRO measuring programs
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