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  3. Data loggers and all-in-one solutions for hospitals


The top priority in hospitals is the health and well-being of the patients. Which is why all healthcare processes and systems are subject to strict regulations. The constant monitoring of temperature and humidity plays a key role in ensuring quality.

Indoor climate monitoring in hospitals

  • Monitoring of temperature and humidity on medical premises such as cleanrooms, laboratories, operating theatres, intensive care units, recovery rooms and waiting rooms.

  • IAQ monitoring in freezers and refrigerators for medicines, vaccines, laboratory samples, blood reserves or tissue samples.

  • Monitoring of temperature and humidity during transportation, e.g. of medicines, blood reserves or food.

Automated and digital: IAQ monitoring with an all-in-one solution

In the day-to-day running of a modern hospital, simply carrying out spot-check measurements of key quality parameters such as temperature and humidity is not enough. In fact, what’s required is holistic management of the indoor climate on the basis of data that is continuously being measured and documented: With an automated, digital monitoring system that takes care of all the temperature and humidity monitoring in clinics for you.

The all-in-one solution: The testo Saveris Pharma environmental monitoring system

Uninterrupted monitoring during pharmaceutical production – using one system

  • Integrated system comprising sensors, software and services

  • Seamless recording and documentation of all audit-relevant IAQ parameters in pharmaceutical production

  • Compliant with GxP and 21 CFR Part 11

Flexible and self-contained: IAQ monitoring with Testo data loggers

Continuous IAQ monitoring with stand-alone data loggers is a fast, simple and cost-effective solution for hospitals. The small, robust instruments can be placed wherever they are needed.

testo 174 data loggers

Continuous measurement and documentation of air temperature and humidity in a hospital: With the testo 174 H data logger.

testo 175 H1 data logger

Long-term measurement and documentation of temperature, relative humidity and dewpoint: With the testo 175 H1 data logger.

WiFi data logger system
testo Saveris 2

Continuous measurement and automatic documentation of the air temperature and humidity in a hospital: With the testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system.

Kit for monitoring the temperature in refrigerators

Automatic monitoring of the temperature in refrigerators for medicines, blood samples, etc. with a ribbon cable probe and reference liquid: With the testo Saveris 2 refrigerator kit.

Sterilization and disinfection

With the testo 190 CFR data loggers, you can validate your sterilization and disinfection processes in hospitals with a high level of efficiency and ease.

Cleaning and disinfection

  • Placement of the data logger’s measuring tips on the surface of the product

  • Reproducibility of the measurement

  • Proof that the degree of disinfection (A0 value) has been attained


  • Placement of the data logger’s probe tip in the core of the item being sterilized

  • Independent routine checks and validations

  • Physical and biological proof of the suitability of the sterilization process for the product

More applications in and around hospitals


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Services, measuring technology and know-how

Validation and calibration

Testo South Africa's SANAS accredited calibration laboratory guarantees the first-class quality of your processes and products:

  • Measuring instrument calibration & validation

  • On-site calibration

  • Mapping

Data logger comparison

Which data logger is best for your application? Download the comparison brochure now.

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