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    Control and calibration kit for Testo humidity probes

    0554 0660
    Control and adjustment set for Testo humidity probes
    Control and adjustment set for Testo humidity probes
  1. Ideal for controlling and calibrating humidity probes at 11.3 %RH and 75.3 %RH
  2. No additional reference instrument or software required
  3. High-precision reference measurement thanks to saturated saline solution
  4. With this practical kit, you can control and calibrate humidity probes quickly and easily.
    Control and calibrate Testo humidity probes easily: A defined humidity is generated in the two special containers with the aid of saline solutions (11.3 %RH and 75.3 %RH). The humidity probe is screwed into the first measuring chamber for testing and is thus exposed to the defined relative humidity. After an acclimatization time, a stable humidity is reached and the display value of the measuring instrument can be compared with it. The probe is then screwed into the second measuring chamber and the process is repeated.

    1x control and calibration kit for testo humidity probes with two containers as well as solutions LiCl (11.3 %RH) and NaCl (75.3 %RH).