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    DAkkS humidity calibration certificate - with 2 measuring points 

    0520 0206
  1. 2 calibration points: 11.3 and 75.3 %RH at +25 °C
  2. According to the DAkkS standard
  3. his DAkkS calibration certificate certifies that your measuring instrument or probe is calibrated. Calibration is carried out according to the DAkkS standard.

    DAkkS humidity calibration certificate with 2 calibration points: 11.3 and 75.3 %RH at +25 °C.

  4. Feuchte- und Temperatur-Sonde ~ 12 mm
    High-precision humidity/temperature probe (Ø 12 mm)
      0636 9743
    • Compact professional humidity module
      Compact professional humidity module
        0636 9736
        € 210,00 € 262,50
      • High-precision humidity/temperature probe (digital) with Bluetooth®
        High-precision humidity/temperature probe (digital) - with Bluetooth®
          0636 9771
          € 515,00 € 643,75
        • High-precision humidity/temperature probe (digital), wired
          High-precision humidity/temperature probe (digital) - wired
            0636 9772
            € 483,00 € 603,75
          • High-precision humidity/temperature probe head
              0636 9770
              € 421,00 € 526,25
            • Humidity/temperature probe (digital), wired
              Humidity/temperature probe (digital) - wired
                0636 9732
                € 163,00 € 203,75
              • Humidity/temperature probe (digital) with Bluetooth®
                Humidity/temperature probe (digital) - with Bluetooth®
                  0636 9731
                  € 202,00 € 252,50
                • Feuchte-/Temperaturfühler
                  Humidity/temperature probe (Ø 12 mm)
                    0636 9735
                    € 363,00 € 453,75
                  • Humidity/temperature probe head
                    Humidity/temperature probe head
                      0636 9730
                      € 103,00 € 128,75
                    • Robust humidtiy probe
                      Robust humidity probe for temperatures of up to +180 °C
                        0636 9753
                      • Robust humidity/temperature probe (digital) - for temperatures up to +180 °C, wired
                        Robust humidity/temperature probe (digital) - for temperatures up to +180 °C, wired
                          0636 9775
                          € 542,00 € 677,50
                        • testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth®
                          testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth®
                            0563 4404
                            € 450,00 € 562,50
                          • testo 440 Delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                            testo 440 delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
                              0563 4410
                              € 1649,00 € 2061,25
                            • testo 625
                              testo 625 - Thermohygrometer
                                0563 6251
                              • testo 625
                                testo 625 - Digitalni termohigrometar s mogućnošću spajanja na aplikaciju
                                  0563 1625
                                  € 237,00 € 296,25
                                • testo 635-1
                                  testo 635-1 - temperature and humidity measuring instrument
                                    0560 6351
                                    € 347,00 € 433,75
                                  • testo 635-2
                                    testo 635-2 - Temperature and moisture meter
                                      0563 6352
                                      € 497,00 € 621,25
                                    • testo 635-2 U-value promo set
                                      testo 635-2 U-value promo set - thermohygrometer set
                                        0563 6353
                                        € 1193,00 € 1491,25
                                      • testo 645
                                        testo 645 - Humidity/temperature measuring instrument
                                          0560 6450
                                        • testo 400 air flow kit with 16 mm vane probe
                                          testo 400 air flow kit with 16 mm vane probe
                                            0563 0400 72
                                            € 2789,00 € 3486,25
                                          • testo 400 air flow kit with hot wire probe
                                            testo 400 air flow kit with hot wire probe
                                              0563 0400 71
                                              € 2742,00 € 3427,50
                                            • General technical data

                                              Product-/housing material
                                              Product colour