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    testo 300 Longlife kit 4 with printer - flue gas analyzer (O2, CO up to 15,000 ppm, NO - can be retrofitted)

    0564 3004 81
    testo 300 kit
    testo 300
    testo 300
    testo 300
    testo 300
    testo 300
    testo 300
    € 2011,00 € 2513,75
  1. Intuitivan, pametan, učinkovit: intuitivni mjerni izbornici, brzi odziv pametnog zaslona osjetljivog na dodir, dokumentacija na licu mjesta, slanje izvješća e-poštom
  2. Uključujući O2, CO do 15,000 čestica u minuti, (NO senzor - moguće ponovno postavljanje)
  3. Visokokvalitetna tehnologija senzora s radnim vijekom do 6 godina
  4. U setu: testo 300 dugotrajni uređaj za analizu dimnih plinova, uključujući O2 i CO senzor koji prepoznaje do 15.000 čestica u minuti, jedinica napajanja, osnovna sonda za dimne plinove, rezervni filtri protiv prljavštine, testo Bluetooth®
  5. Carry out installation and maintenance work on heating systems several times a day using the flue gas analyzer with Longlife sensors. The TÜV-tested testo 300 Longlife flue gas analyzer is supplied with O2 and CO sensor up to 15,000 ppm (NO - can be retrofitted), basic flue gas probe, testo Bluetooth® printer, testo Bluetooth® Connector, case and practical accessories.

    • testo 300 flue gas analyzer with O2 and CO sensor up to 15,000 ppm (0633 3004 82)
    • USB mains unit, including cable (0554 1106)
    • Compact basic flue gas probe, 180 mm; Ø 6 mm; Tmax. 500°C; 1.5 m hose; including dirt filters and cone for fixing (0600 9740)
    • Spare dirt filters, compact probe; 10 off (0554 0040)
    • BLUETOOTH®/IRDA printer, including 1 roll of thermal paper and rechargeable battery (0554 0621)
    • testo Bluetooth® Connector (0554 3004)
    • Spare thermal paper for printer, indelible ink (0554 0568)
    • Free download EasyHeat PC software (0554 3332)
    • Instrument case (height: 130 mm) for instrument, probes and accessories (0516 3300)

    CO probes

    Flue gas probes

    Further probes

  6. Further probes
    Dual wall clearance probe for O2 supply air measurement
      0632 1260
      € 153,00 € 191,25
    • Further probes
      Solid fuel kit - including probe shaft and adapter
        0600 9765
        € 438,00 € 547,50
      • Temperature probes


        Measurement cells

      • Measurement cells
        CO sensor (without H2 compensation) with 4-year warranty
          0393 0051
        • Measurement cells
          CO sensor, (H2-compensated) with 4-year warranty
            0393 0101
          • Measurement cells
            Spare NO sensor
            NO sensor
              0393 0151
            • Mjerenje dimnih plinova na sustavima grijanja

              Savršen alat za mjerenja koja uključuju sustave grijanje:

              • visokokvalitetni dugotrajni senzori s radnim vijekom do 6 godina, rukovanje preko zaslona osjetljivog na dodir, jasno strukturirani mjerni izbornici, izrada dokumentacije na licu mjesta, slanje izvješća e-poštom, veliki HD zaslon, robusno kućište

              Daljnja područja primjene:

              • mjerenje tlaka protoka plina*, ispitivanje plinovoda*, diferencijalno mjerenje temperature (Temperatura protoka i povratnog toka u sustavima grijanja)*, mjerenje CO u okolini*, mjerenje dimovoda na sustavima grijanja*, integrirani sustav mjerenja do 4 Pa za opremu za izgaranje

              * Imajte na umu: Za ta su mjerenja potrebna dodatna sonda ili pribor koji se moraju naručiti zasebno.

              • The Testo ZIV driver is used to connect the testo 300, testo 320 and testo 330 measuring instruments to an application program (sweeping district administration program) according to the interface defined by the Zentralverband des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks (ZIV, Central Association of Chimney Sweeps) in version 1.0 of 01. August 2012, in version 2.0 of 13. February 2017 as well as version 3.0 from 02. July 2021. Please check with the manufacturer of your application program as to whether this interface is supported.
              • Firmware / App testo 300(FW 1.10.8289, BTG 0.3.8, APP, 43.94 MB)
              • USB driver for the following devices with USB port: * USB Interface testo 174 / 177 - T + H * testo 300 / 320 / 330 / 330i / 335 / 340 / 350 * testo 435 * testo 556 / 560 / 570 / 580 * testo 635 * testo 735 * testo 845