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    testo 860i kit - Wireless thermal imager for smartphones

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    testo 860i
    testo 860i
    testo 860i
    testo 860i
    Application testo 860i
    testo 860i
    testo 860i
    testo 860i
    testo 860i
    Application testo 860i
    Application testo 860i
    Application testo 860i
    Application testo 860i
    Application testo 860i
    € 420,00sa PDV-om € 525,00
    Vaše prednosti
  1. Quick and easy determination of Delta T in the thermal image using application-specific measurement functions DeltaHeat and DeltaCool
  2. Ultra-sharp thermal images thanks to high infrared resolution (256 x 192 pixels)
  3. Everything is simple with the testo Smart App: easy to use and effortless documentation sent on site
  4. Flexible to use with its wireless function or one-handed when directly attached to a smartphone
  5. Highly practical and durable with IP54 protection and drop resistance up to 1.5 m
  6. The testo 860i wireless thermal imager for smartphones enables quick and easy determination of Delta T in the thermal image using the application-specific measurement functions DeltaHeat and DeltaCool. With crystal-clear thermal images thanks to high infrared resolution and simple operation via the testo Smart App, it offers flexible application options and high practicality for everyday use, either wirelessly or with one-handed operation directly on the smartphone.


    The new testo 860i wireless thermal imager for smartphones is easy to use and display in the testo Smart App making it the perfect choice for quick spot checks in HVAC, maintenance, buildings and many other applications.

    testo 860i enables quick and easy determination of Delta T (differential temperature) in the thermal image using application-specific measurement functions:
    DeltaHeat for quick determination of the spread between the flow and return temperatures of radiators, DeltaCool for quick assessment of the temperature differential in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The humidity mode function also helps to assess the risk of mould in indoor environments. The thermography measurement function shows hotspots and Delta T quickly and easily during maintenance.

    The testo Smart App is used to operate the testo 860i, display the thermal image and differential temperature, and for documentation – it’s simple, fast and smart. The testo 860i can be used flexibly, either directly attached to the smartphone/tablet for one-handed operation or separately. What’s more, its high suitability for everyday use, robustness and rechargeable lithium battery with a long operating time make the testo 860i a reliable companion.

    Obujam isporuke

    testo 860i wireless thermal imager for smartphones, bag, USB-C cable.

    Tehnički podaci

    General technical data

    Protection class
    System requirements
    requires iOS 17 or newer; requires Android 14 or newer; requires mobile end device with Bluetooth 4.0

    Infrared image output

    Field of view
    48° x 36°
    Fixed focus
    Minimum focus distance
    0.3 m
    Image refresh rate
    9 Hz
    Infrared resolution
    256 x 192 pixels
    Thermal sensitivity
    50 mk
    Spectral range
    8 to 14 µm

    Image output visual

    Minimum focus distance
    0.4 m
    Image size
    640 x 480 pixels



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