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    testo 871 Building diagnosis kit - Thermal imager testo 871 with Bluetooth humidity probe testo 605i

    Broj narudžbe 0560 8717
    € 2260,00sa PDV-om € 2825,00
    Vaše prednosti
  1. Impressive image quality: IR resolution up to 480 x 360 pixels through testo SuperResolution Technology and thermal sensitivity of 0.08°C for the display of small temperature differences
  2. Including the testo 605i thermohygrometer: real time transmission of the ambient temperature and relative humidity readings to the thermal imager
  3. Visualization of mould-risk areas with traffic light colours
  4. Smart: the free testo Thermography App enables you to write and send reports on site, as well as saving them online, and lots more
  5. Use the smart testo 871 mould kit to detect mould-risk areas in buildings quickly and easily. The testo 605i thermohygrometer included in the kit transmits the room parameters via Bluetooth® to the testo 871 thermal imager. Mould-risk areas are shown in amber or red on the camera display (according to the traffic light principle). The thermal imager impresses with a thermal sensitivity of 0.08°C and its ease of use, in addition to its professional measuring cable with excellent image quality. The equipment can be transported safely and conveniently in the robust case.
    • not available
      Vrlo dobra kvaliteta slike: IR rezolucija 240 x 180 piksela, integriranom tehnologijom testo SuperResolution 480 x 360 piksela

      Vrlo dobra kvaliteta slike: IR rezolucija 240 x 180 piksela, integriranom tehnologijom testo SuperResolution 480 x 360 piksela


    Incorrect ventilation behaviour or structural defects, such as thermal bridges, are some of the most frequent causes of mould formation in apartments, houses, old buildings and new builds. The testo 871 thermal imager and the testo 605i Smart Probe enable professional, simple and absolutely reliable detection of mould-risk areas before mould develops.

    The professional thermal imager provides you with ideal support in your day-to-day work: you can generate error-free and objectively comparable infrared images using its handy functions. The IFOV warner, testo ɛ-Assist and testo ScaleAssist mean you can avoid measurement errors and not only effortlessly achieve optimum setting of emissivity (ɛ) and reflected temperature (RTC) for building thermography, but also of colour scale.


    Special measuring mode for detecting mould-risk areas

    Identify the risk of mould easily and reliably: the testo 605i thermohygrometer measures ambient temperature and humidity and transmits the readings in real time via Bluetooth to the thermal imager. The infrared camera measures the surface temperature and calculates the relative surface moisture using the readings from the thermohygrometer. The relative surface moisture is shown on the display as a humidity image – mould-risk areas are indicated using traffic light colours.

    You can very easily see how big the risk of mould is by means of the traffic light colours (green, amber, red):
    • Green = no risk. The surface moisture is between 0% and 59% - mould spores do not find optimum growing conditions
    • Amber = caution, mould formation possible. The surface moisture is between 60% and 79% - some mould spores find optimum growing conditions
    • Red = attention, mould danger. The surface moisture is over 80% - mould spores find optimum growing conditions


    The testo 871 thermal imager – smart and networked

    The testo 871 thermal imager guarantees wireless communication with mobile terminal devices via WLAN. The testo Thermography App for iOS and Android offers you the possibility of writing and sending reports on site, as well as saving them online, and of using your smartphone or tablet as a second display or for remote control.

    Technical highlights of the testo 871 specially for building thermography

    • Infrared resolution of 240 x 180 pixels = 43,200 temperature measuring points, the infrared resolution is extended to 480 x 360 pixels via integrated SuperResolution Technology
    • Detecting temperature differences from 0.08°C
    • 35° fixed-focus lens for a wide field of view and an ideal overview of the temperature distribution. The fixed focus means there is no longer any need for manual focusing
    • The testo Thermography App enables you to write reports on site, save them online and send them by e-mail, as well as allowing you to use mobile terminal devices as a second display or for remote control
    • Wireless transmission (via Bluetooth) of external measurement parameters, such as ambient temperature and relative humidity, from the testo 605i thermohygrometer to the testo 871 thermal imager
    • Critical temperature conditions are directly displayed via automatic hot-cold spot recognition
    • The testo ScaleAssist automatically ensures optimum setting of the thermal image scale, which means you generate objectively comparable and error-free thermal images, e.g. of the thermal insulation behaviour of buildings
    • The IFOV warner means the distance from the measurement object / measurement spot size is determined and the measurement spot is shown on the thermal image – you therefore avoid measurement errors, because the camera shows you exactly what you can measure
    • For thermography of the highest possible standard, you need both a high-quality thermal imager and high-performance analysis software. The IRSoft software (free download) enables quick, easy and professional analysis of thermal and humidity images and their documentation in a report

    Obujam isporuke

    • testo 871 with 35° fixed-focus lens and radio module for Bluetooth/WLAN
    • testo 605i thermohygrometer
    • SuperResolution technology
    • Professional IRSoft software (free download)
    • Robust transport case
    • USB cable
    • Mains unit
    • Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
    • 3 x testo Ɛ-Markers for emissivity wizard
    • Calibration protocol
    • Commissioning instructions
    • Short instructions

    Tehnički podaci


    RED: 2014/53/EU; EMC: 2014/30/EU

    Infrared image output

    Field of view
    31° x 23°
    Fixed focus
    Minimum focus distance
    <0.5 m
    Geometric resolution (IFOV)
    2.6 mrad
    Image refresh rate
    9 Hz
    Infrared resolution
    240 x 180 pixels
    SuperResolution (IFOV)
    1.6 mrad
    SuperResolution (Pixel)
    480 x 360 pixels
    Thermal sensitivity
    <0.08 °C (80 mK)
    Spectral range
    7,5 to 14 µm

    Image output visual

    Minimum focus distance
    min. 0.5 m
    Image size
    5 MP



  6. Sets
    testo 770-3 Premium kit
      Broj narudžbe:
      0590 7703 03
    • Pribor


    • Accessories
      Battery charging station
      Battery-charging station, desktop charging station for optimizing the charge time
        Broj narudžbe:
        0554 1103
        € 50,00sa PDV-om € 62,50
      • Accessories
        Adhesive tape, e.g. for reflective surfaces
        Emission tape for measurements on reflective surfaces (roll, length: 10 m, width: 25 mm)
          Broj narudžbe:
          0554 0051
          € 91,00sa PDV-om € 113,75
        • Accessories
          PC Software testo IRSoft
          Free download: PC software testo IRSoft
            Broj narudžbe:
            0501 8809
          • Certificates

            Transport and Protection

          • Transport and Protection
            Carrying case testo 870
            Holster bag for safe transport and for storing thermal imagers
              Broj narudžbe:
              0554 7808
              € 60,00sa PDV-om € 75,00
            • Aplikacije

              Detaljno savjetovanje na polju energije

              U građevinskoj termografiji, infracrvena tehnologija idealna je za brzu i učinkovitu analizu gubitaka energije u grijanju ili klimatizaciji zgrada. Zahvaljujući visokoj temperaturnoj razlučivosti, termovizijski uređaj pruža detaljne slike neadekvatne izolacije i toplinskih mostova. Impresivan je u pogledu bilježenja i dokumentiranja gubitaka energije na vanjskim prozorima i vratima, kućištima na roletama, nišama radijatora, krovnim konstrukcijama ili cijelom okviru konstrukcije. Termovizijski uređaj najbolji je mjerni instrument za sveobuhvatnu upotrebu u dijagnostici i održavanju i uvijek dobar izbor kada je u pitanju energetsko savjetovanje.

              Support in preventive maintenance

              Pouzdano rano otkrivanje oštećenja na proizvodnim sustavima ključno je kako bi se zajamčila sigurnost i pouzdanost sustava i spriječili skupi zastoji u radu. Problematična područja u električnim i mehaničkim proizvodnim pogonima obično postaju očita zbog povećanja temperature pogođenih komponenti. Pomoću termovizijskog uređaja možete izravno otkrivati kritične toplinske uvjete (poznate kao vruće točke) u vašem sustavu, što jamči dodatni bonus u pogledu pouzdanosti. Tipične primjene termovizijskog uređaja:
              Brza lokacija vrućih mjesta u električnim instalacijama
              Otkrivanje kritičnih toplinskih uvjeta u motorima, osovinama i ležajevima


              Jednostavna provjera sustava grijanja i instalacija

              Sustavi grijanja, ventilacije i klimatizacije mogu se brzo i pouzdano provjeriti zahvaljujući laganom i intuitivnom radu Testo termovizijskog uređaja. Dovoljna je brza primjena termovizijskog uređaja kako biste otkrili nepravilnosti u raspodjeli temperature. Tako se termografija može koristiti za jednostavno lociranje začepljenih radijatora i curenja.
              Tipične primjene termovizijskog uređaja:
                   Određivanje tijeka petlji za grijanje u sustavu podnog grijanja
                  Provjera taloga u radijatorima
                  Mjerenje temperature protoka i povrata


              Na tragu puknute cijevi

              Ako se sumnja na puknuće cijevi, jedino preostalo rješenje je otvoriti cijela područja zida ili poda. Termovizijski uređaj omogućuje vam da umanjite štetu i smanjite troškove jer precizno locirate curenja u podnom grijanju i drugim nepristupačnim cjevovodima. Na taj se način izbjegava nepotrebno otvaranje zidova i podova i znatno se smanjuju troškovi popravka.

              Testing the air tightness of new builds

              Ako vrata ili prozori nisu pravilno postavljeni, zimi može ući hladan zrak ili topli unutarnji zrak može izaći iz prostorije. To rezultira propuhom, povećanim gubitkom topline i nadasve velikim troškovima u odnosu na potrošnju energije. Kombinacija termografije i Blower Door doista se pokazala vrijednom. Ovaj postupak uključuje stvaranje negativnog tlaka u zgradi, tako da hladan vanjski zrak može procuriti u unutrašnjost zgrade kroz propusne spojeve i pukotine. Testo termovizijski uređaj olakšava otkrivanje propuha. Detekcija curenja bilo koje vrste – prije nego obloge i okovi za novogradnju učine popravak kompliciranim i skupim.

              Spriječite stvaranje plijesni

              • Brzo i jednostavno lokalizirajte područja izložena riziku od formiranja plijesni: Ta su područja prikazana crvenom bojom na zaslonu kamere kada je kamera u načinu rada vlažnosti

              Jednostavna provjera sustava grijanja i instalacija

              • testirajte sustave grijanja i klimatizacije/ventilacije: Upotrijebite termalnu kameru za brzo i jednostavno prepoznavanje nepravilnosti u raspodjeli temperature
              • Lokalizacija toka grijaćih petlji u sustavima podnog grijanja
              • Testo radijatori za muljenje
              • Izmjerite temperature polaza i povrata

              Lociranje curenja na ravnim krovovima

              • Detekcija vlage na krovovima: Na temelju temperaturnih razlika (kakve se uglavnom javljaju na ravnim krovovima), termo kamere prikazuju područja na krovu s vlagom ili oštećenom izolacijom


              Brošure o proizvodu

              Upute za upotrebu


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              Mail Kontakt
              PhoneCall +385 095 834 0688 +385 095 834 0688