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    testo 616 - Instrument pentru măsurarea umidităţii din lemn şi materiale

    0560 6160
    1.545,00 RON 1.838,55 RON
  1. Măsurarea cu precizie a umidităţii materialelor de construcţii şi a celor lemnoase
  2. Echipat cu 10 curbe caracteristice
  3. Formă ergonomică pentru o presiune de inserţie optimă
  4. Funcţii hold, max. şi min., afişaj digital cu lumină de fundal
  5. Instrument pentru măsurarea umidităţii din lemn şi materiale, include baterie şi protocol de calibrare.
    testo 616 permite ca umiditatea lemnului şi a materialelor de construcţii să fie examinată rapid şi neinvaziv. De asemenea vă uşurează munca atunci când trebuie să studiaţi curbele de uscare ale podelelor, pereţilor sau suprafeţelor.
    Deși sonda de măsurare intră în contact numai cu suprafața, peretele sau pardoseala care se măsoară, acesta este capabil să determine conținutul de umiditate al lemnului sau altui material până la o adâncime de 5 cm.

    Zone ideale de utilizare pentru testo 616

    Instrumentul pentru măsurarea umidității materialelor testo 616 este un dispozitiv de măsurare profesional care poate fi folosit în diverse domenii, precum în restaurare, dulgherie sau tâmplărie.
    •     Detectarea daunlor de umiditate: metoda non-distructivă pentru identificarea umidității  în pereți și pardoseli.
    •     Monitorizarea proceselor de uscare: de la efectuarea controalelor de umiditate până la oferirea de  programe de construcție de uscare controlată după daunele de apă
    •     Umiditatea din lemn: pentru verificarea conținutului de umiditate a lemnului, care a fost păstrat înainte de prelucrarea acestuia

    Instrumentul pentru măsurarea umidității materialelor testo 616 cu 10 curbe caracteristice

    •     Lemn moale
    •     Lemn de esență tare
    •     Preșpan
    •     Șapă anhidrit
    •     Șapă de ciment
    •     Nisip, var, cărămidă
    •     Beton pentru gaz
    •     Beton
    •     Cărămizi de izolație mare
    •     Zidărie

    Instrument pentru măsurarea umidităţii din lemn şi materiale, include baterie şi certificat de calibrare din fabrică

    Date tehnice generale

    70 x 58 x 234 mm
    Temperatura de operare
    +5 la +40 °C
    plastic (ABS, TPE), metal
    Clasă de protecție
    Tip baterie
    baterie 9 V tip 6F22
    Durata de viață baterie
    60 h
    Acutalizare afișaj
    0.5 s
    Water content in percent by weight based on dry mass (%)
    Adâncime de măsurare
    up to 5 cm
    Interval de măsurare
    0,5 s
    Temperatura de depozitare
    -20 la +70 °C
    260 g

    Umiditate - capacitivă

    Domeniu de măsură
    < 50 % (wood)
    < 20 % (building materials)

    Determining moisture in wood

    Moisture content is a decisive factor in the further processing and use of timber products. If wood is installed with the wrong moisture content this may result in mechanical deformations (contracting and swelling) at the site where the material is subsequently used, and therefore damage to pieces of furniture or entire supporting structures in buildings. Therefore, before being made into furniture or supporting material by a joiner/carpenter, the suitability of the wood has to be assessed by measuring the moisture content.

    The testo 616 enables the quick and non-destructive examination of the material moisture characteristics in timber. Characteristic curves are available for measuring wood moisture in soft and hard woods, and chipboard. These characteristic curves were developed in cooperation with the LPI institute.

    The measurement results are calculated up to a depth of 5 cm and can be recorded at the touch of a button. The readings are displayed in percent by weight in comparison to the dry mass of the material.

    testo 616

    Monitoring drying processes

    Whether freshly laid screed, or monitored drying of moisture damage, timely determination of the required moisture level will save time and therefore money.

    Screeds are laid in the in interior works stage, generally after plastering. The flooring and painting and decorating then follow. The drying behaviour is therefore a significant factor in the works schedule, primarily because the laying of flooring depends on this.

    The moisture measurement establishes readiness for flooring; liability for the flooring is thus transferred to the respective trade installing the flooring. An important part of this work is therefore documentation and assurance in the testing for readiness for flooring.

    What is the extent of moisture damage? This question has to be answered in order to decide which instruments are to be used to speed up the drying process.

    The testo 616 can be used to quickly and non-destructively examine the material moisture in building materials. It also makes work easier when drying processes for floors, walls and surfaces have to be observed.

    Diagnosing building moisture

    Moisture may penetrate walls, floors and ceilings due to pipes bursting or water ingress. Some of this moisture damage may not be detected immediately. Rising or ingressing water, faulty rain and waste water drains, or even blocked drains and inadequate seepage capacity may be the cause.

    Depending on where it is getting out or in, the moisture can spread in different ways; enormous damage may be done if discovered too late. Therefore, measurement of the material moisture in the affected places is necessary to be able to identify the source of the damage.

    The testo 616 can be used to quickly and non-destructively examine the material moisture in building materials. The measuring clamp is laid on the surface; the value can be read immediately. The measurement results are calculated up to a depth of 5 cm and can be recorded at the touch of a button. The readings are displayed in percent by weight in comparison to the dry mass of the material.

    For easy, quick handling, characteristics are already stored in testo 616 for the following construction materials: anhydrite screed, cement screed, lime sand brick, aerated concrete, concrete, vertically perforated brick and solid brick; these aid detection of wet places in the construction materials.