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  3. Thermography for reliable energy supply

Proizvodnja energije

Istočasno morate povečati tudi učinkovitost sistemov in postopkov.

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Thermography for reliable power distribution and power generation

Most failures due to malfunction, wear or material fatigue are preceded by thermal anomalies. Thermographic inspection with thermal imagers (infrared thermography) of these anomalies enables reliable and simple assessment of the heating condition of components on high-voltage installations, e.g. transformers, substations and overhead lines.

Mehansko vzdrževanje s pomočjo termičnih kamer

Thermographic measurements using thermal imagers can be carried out during operation and from a safe distance. Critical electrical and mechanical components or connections are tested. In this way, measures can be taken in good time in the event of conspicuous anomalies in order to minimize failure and safety risks.

Sistemi za distribucijo energije

Termografski inšpekcijski pregledi - za breztežavno delovanje

Assess heating on disconnectors and circuit breakers from a safe distance

This is how it works in practice

Application examples and customer references.

Testing high-voltage plants with thermal imagers from Testo.

Primer uporabe

Thermography of distant objects.

Izvedite več.

testo 883 thermal imaging camera demonstrates its versatility at badenovaWÄRMEPLUS GmbH & Co. KG

To the customer reference

Best image quality and exchangeable lenses.

With the thermal imagers from Testo, you won't miss a thing. Thanks to high resolution and manual focus, every thermal image is razor-sharp, and with the exchangeable lenses, you discover every anomaly easily and efficiently, even from greater distances.

Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

s pomočjo termo kamer

Thermal imager testo 883

  • Infrared resolution of 320 x 240 pixels - expandable to 640 x 480 pixels with integrated testo SuperResolution technology

  • Manual focus and telephoto lens

  • Second screen function with testo Thermography App

Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

s pomočjo termo kamer

testo 883 thermal imager

  • Infrared resolution of 640 x 480 pixels - expandable to 1280 x 960 pixels with integrated testo SuperResolution technology

  • Manual focus, autofocus and SuperTele lens

  • Rotatable and tiltable display, ergonomic rotatable grip

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Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

Other advantages of Testo thermal imagers

Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

Profesionalna programska oprema testo IRSoft

Uporabite čarovnik za poročila testo IRSoft za hitro in enostavno ustvarjanje profesionalnih poročil - ali pa uporabite oblikovalca poročil programske opreme za izdelavo prilagojenih obrazcev v skladu s vašimi lastnimi zahtevami. Programsko opremo lahko si naložite brezplačno in brez licence.

Aplikacija testo Thermography App - bodite pametni in omreženi

With the testo Thermography App you can quickly and easily share images from your smartphone or tablet with your colleagues

testo Thermography App

Keeping limit values safely in view

The hot spot function immediately displays the hottest spot in the image. In addition, points that exceed defined limits can be highlighted in colour using the alarm function.

Intuitivno upravljanje

The clever combination of touch display and the tried-and-tested Testo joystick will make your work processes smoother and more efficient.

Fold-out display and rotatable handle

The rotatable, fold-out display and the ergonomic rotatable handle allow measurements in difficult-to-access places.

Super-telephoto lens

6.6° x 5° super-telephoto lens:

  • Small field of view for maximum resolution

  • Particularly suitable for measurements on objects that are far away, e.g. power lines

  • Easy to handle: no additional lens holder needed

Proizvodnja energije

Vzdrževanje mehanskih komponent

Ustvarjanje toplote v mehanskih komponentah elektrarn lahko kaže na zvišano raven stresa. Le-ta povzročajo npr. trenje, napačno poravnanje, tolerance komponent ali pomanjkanje maziva.

Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

Thermal imagers for reliable power distribution and power generation

Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?