World market leader
in measurement technology
The Solutions business model launched in 2016 becomes an independent subsidiary.
Testo increases its sales to over 400 million euros.
More than 3500 employees work for Testo worldwide.
Testo subsidiary "Testo Industrial Services" opens the Calibration Factory in Kirchzarten. On an area of 4,222 square meters more than 200 new jobs are created at the new factory.
The turnover mark of 350 million Euro is cracked. More than 3200 employees work for Testo worldwide.
Testo establishes a subsidiary in the United Arab Emirates and inaugurates the second building in Titisee.
Testo launches the new smart flue gas analyzer testo 300 with smart touch technology.
Testo celebrates its 60th anniversary with a grand gala and various public events. The ground-breaking ceremony for the second part of the building is held in Titisee, and with testo Saveris Restaurant the first solution is launched worldwide.
Testo establishes new subsidiaries in Malaysia and South Africa. The thermal imager testo 870 wins the German Design Award 2016.
Testo breaks the 250 million Euro turnover barrier for the first time. Market launch for the Testo Smart Probes - instrumentscontrolled by smartphone and App.
Testo is one of the first measurement technology manufacturers to enter the "internet of things", and launch the Cloud-based monitoring system testo Saveris 2 onto the market.
Recognised as one of the top 100 German medium-sized companies by the business news magazine Wirtschaftswoche and the Munich Strategy Group.
2.500 employees worldwide.
Testo launches the first fine particle measuring instrument onto the market. Testo Romania is founded. 2400 staff worldwide.
The 200 million Euro turnover mark is passed. The first building phase at the new site in Titisee is ready for occupation. 2300 staff worldwide.
Testo Sensor GmbH is founded in Lenzkirch.
Testo acquires the Swiss company Matter Engineering AG, a technological leader in the field of nanoparticle measurement technology.
2000 staff worldwide.
Testo is one of the 100 most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. 1800 staff worldwide.
The Testo thermal imager conquers the market. Over 1600 staff worldwide.
Over 1300 staff worldwide. 50 years of Testo. 50 innovations in the anniversary year.
New subsidiaries in Russia and India.
The testo 330 rings in a new era of flue gas measurement
The 100 million Euro turnover mark is passed.
The workforce reaches 1000; Testo Argentina and Testo Shanghai are founded.
Testo Portugal; investment in development and production in China.
Founding of Testo industrial services in Lenzkirch.
Founding of subsidiaries in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Brazil, Korea, Turkey. The subsidiary in Asia is founded.
The testostor 171 & 175 logger family begins to be successful on the market.
New subsidiaries are set up in Italy, Spain and Australia. 450 staff worldwide.
After ten years of R&D, the Testo humidity sensor is ready for the market.
A world innovation, the testo 452: the multifunctional measuring instrument with a printer.
Testo Japan is established in Yokohama.
New subsidiaries are set up in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Foundation of subsidiaries in Austria, UK and the US.
Testo France is founded as the first subsidiary.
One of the first digital fast-response thermometers in the world with accuracy in seconds is launched.
Growth of 40% makes first building extension necessary in Lenzkirch.
Testoterm is founded. The first product is an electronic clinical thermometer.
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