James Hall & Co
Interesting people, impressive careers and exciting product applications- James Hall (SPAR) save money and reduce staff effort with a testo Saveris 2 temperature monitoring system
testo Saveris 2 Case Study
James Hall use data loggers both for continuous monitoring and temperature mapping of their distribution centre. This helps them to ensure their food and goods are stored in the correct climactic conditions at all times. Temperature Mapping is performed to determine if a room or storage area can maintain temperature within defined limits. Examples of this include fridges, freezers, cold-rooms and warehouses. Sensors are then distributed throughout the area in to analyse the temperature distribution.
The previous system James Hall used was also from Testo; the testo 174 mini data loggers. Whilst they didn’t experience any issues with their previous system, it was the automated temperature monitoring element which initiated the company’s decision to change. Trevor explained “Part of the offer we supply is GSL medicines and the move to an automated system was made largely to comply with GDP requirements. Our previous data loggers (testo 174 units), whilst reliable, did require a manual check.”
As long-standing Testo customers, they decided to again put their trust in equipment from a company which they trusted. “We have used Testo for many years and we knew they are reliable. The wireless capabilities of the testo Saveris 2 units, together with the alarm function made it an easy choice, as did the ability to access the data from any device with internet access.”
Key Advantages of the testo Saveris 2
*Advanced Package
Alerts when limit values are exceeded via e-mail or SMS (optional)
Automated temperature monitoring with integrated probe
Access to readings anywhere and with any device
Data transfer by wireless LAN
Automatic reading documentation
Free online data storage in the cloud
Data Storage
Max 2 Years
Automatic reporting (.pdf/.csv)
Measuring Cycle
1 min- 24 hours
Alarm Options
• Upper/lower alarm limits
• Alarm delay
• Time control of alarm
Number of Data Loggers Per Account
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