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Stop Tool Theft Today.
Testo are in full support of Trades United and aim to help engineers get back on their feet as quickly as possible in the event of theft.
In the unfortunate event that your Testo Flue Gas Analyser is stolen, Testo offer a 50% discount on a replacement instrument. This discount is eligible for 'like-for-like' and cheaper flue gas analysers. Please see full T's and C's below.
Our aim is to help you get back on your feet and able to resume work as quickly as possible.
Report your Testo Flue Gas Analyser as stolen to the police Here
Email us at with your crime reference number, product serial number, company details, original purchase details, officer contact details, time and dates.
After doing so, a member of our team will contact you from and arrange for a replacement to be delivered.
See full Terms and conditions here
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