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    Humidity/temperature cable probe (digital)

    0572 2165
    testo humidity probe
    application testo Saveris refrigeration cell
    application testo Saveris refrigeration cell
    application testo Saveris storage
  1. High-precision digital stub humidity/temperature probe with cable for standard-compliant measurements
  2. Probe exchange in seconds without data gaps in the documentation
  3. Wide temperature measuring range
  4. Easy handling and installation
  5. This component is part of the environmental monitoring system testo Saveris 1. The modular system records and analyzes your critical environmental data, alerts you immediately if limit values are violated and can help you optimize your processes.

    The digital probes make it possible to carry out high-precision measurements even in a regulated environment.

    It is not necessary to interrupt the measurement to calibrate the probes – they are replaced during operation. There is no need to remove the data loggers and there are no gaps in the measured values.

    The digital probes can be used with the testo 150 TUC4 data logger module and benefit from the versatility of the testo Saveris 1 environmental monitoring system: use either different communication infrastructures such as WLAN or Ethernet, or the state-of-the-art testo UltraRange radio technology for unparalleled, secure and efficient long-range communication in a proprietary network.

    Digital humidity/temperature cable probe (cable length 1.3 m), including calibration protocol.

    Accessories for probes

  6. Accessories for probes
    Extension cable for digital probes (length 6 m)
      0449 3306
    • Accessories for probes
      Extension cable for digital probes (length 2 m)
        0449 3302
      • Accessories for probes
        Extension cable for digital probes (length 10 m)
          0449 3310