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    testo 922 - Digital temperature meter

    Product no. 0560 9221
    testo 922
    testo 922
    testo 922
    testo 922
    testo 922
    testo 922
    testo 922
    This meter requires a probe for commissioning.
    Click here for sensor selection.
    Your advantages
  1. Temperature measurements and temperature difference display
  2. Wide measuring range from -50 °C to 1 000 °C
  3. Connecting points for two type K temperature sensors; wireless connectivity for a third temperature sensor
  4. Wide range of optional sensors
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    The testo 922 digital temperature meter measures temperatures and determines the temperature difference in a matter of seconds. The meter comes with connecting points for up to two temperature sensors and wireless connectivity for a third sensor.

    At-a-glance look at all the features

    • Connecting points for 2 optional type K temperature sensors
    • Wireless connectivity for a third temperature sensor
    • Temperature values and temperature difference directly visible in display
    • Permanent display of min and max values
    • Hold function that freezes the last reading

    The testo 922 digital temperature meter – accessories and sensors 

    • There is a wide selection of optional temperature and wireless sensors to help you carry out your temperature measurements
    • The testo protocol printer allows you to print out on site; the cyclic printing can be used in  adjustable (i.e. one-minute) intervals
    • The durable, IP65 rated TopSafe protective case protects you digital temperature meter against impact and dirt and water ingress

    The testo 922 digital temperature meter – areas of application

    Professionals in the fields of heating, plumbing and air conditioning are quick to appreciate the benefits which the compact, easy-to-use testo 922 digital temperature meter has to offer. The testo 922 measures temperatures quickly and accurately and determines the temperature difference directly. This allows you to carry out your inspections and checks quickly and efficiently. There’s also an optional testo turbo printer which allows you to print out on site.

    Delivery Scope

    testo 922 digital temperature meter, calibration protocol, batteries.

    Technical data

    Temperature - TC Type K (NiCr-Ni)

    Measuring range
    -50 to +1000 °C
    ±(0,7 °C + 0,5 % of mv) (Remaining Range)
    ±(0,5 °C + 0,3 % of mv) (-40 to +900 °C)
    1 °C (Remaining Range)
    0,1 °C (-50 to +199,9 °C)

    General technical data

    171 g
    182 x 64 x 40 mm
    Operating temperature
    -20 to +50 °C
    Product-/housing material
    Number of channels
    Battery type
    9V block battery, 6F22
    Battery life
    200 h (connected probe, backlight off); 45 h (radio mode, backlight off); 68 h (connected probe, backlight always on); 33 h (radio mode, backlight always on)
    Storage temperature
    -40 to +70 °C


    Air probes

  6. Air probes
    Robuster Luftfühler, TE Typ K
    Robust air temperature probe (TC type K) – measuring range: -60 to +400 °C
      Product no.:
      0602 1793
      ZAR 1,655.50with VAT ZAR 1,903.83
    • Immersion/penetration probe for food measurements

    • Immersion/penetration probe for food measurements
      Wasserdichter Lebensmittelfühler aus Edelstahl (IP65)
      Waterproof stainless steel food probe (TC type K) - measuring range: -60 to +400°C
        Product no.:
        0602 2292
        ZAR 2,057.55with VAT ZAR 2,366.18
      • Immersion/penetration probe for food measurements
        Wasserdichter Tauch-/Einstechfühler mit Metallschutzschlauch
        Waterproof, robust immersion/penetration probe (TC type K) - measuring range: -50 to +230°C
          Product no.:
          0628 1292
          ZAR 2,506.90with VAT ZAR 2,882.93
        • Surface probes


        • Thermocouples
          Thermocouple with TC adapter, flexible, 800 mm long
          Flexible thermoelectric couple (TC type K, glass fibre) – Measuring range: -50 to +400°C
            Product no.:
            0602 0644
            ZAR 496.65with VAT ZAR 571.15
          • Thermocouples
            Thermocouple with TC adapter, flexible, length 1500 mm
            Flexible thermoelectric couple (TC type K, glass fibre) – measuring range -50 to +400°C
              Product no.:
              0602 0645
              ZAR 780.45with VAT ZAR 897.52
            • Thermocouples
              Thermocouple with TC adapter, flexible, 1500 mm long, PTFE
              Flexible thermoelectric couple (TC type K, PTFE) – measuring range -50 to +250°C
                Product no.:
                0602 0646
                ZAR 804.10with VAT ZAR 924.72
              • immersion/ penetration probes

              • immersion/ penetration probes
                Efficient and fast-action immersion probe, waterproof
                Flexible, fast-action immersion probe (TC type K) – measuring range: -60 to +1000 °C
                  Product no.:
                  0602 0593
                  ZAR 2,577.85with VAT ZAR 2,964.53
                • immersion/ penetration probes
                  Fast-action, waterproof immersion/penetration probe
                  Fast-action immersion/penetration probe (TC type K) – measuring range: -60 to +800 °C
                    Product no.:
                    0602 2693
                    ZAR 3,192.75with VAT ZAR 3,671.66
                  • immersion/ penetration probes
                    Tauch-Messspitze, biegsam, TE Typ K
                    Immersion measuring tip with TC plug type K - for fast temperature measurements
                      Product no.:
                      0602 5792
                      ZAR 780.45with VAT ZAR 897.52
                    • Accessories


                    • Accessories
                      testo-Schnelldrucker IRDA mit kabelloser Infrarot-Schnittstelle
                      testo fast printer IRDA
                        Product no.:
                        0554 0549
                        ZAR 5,983.45with VAT ZAR 6,880.97
                      • Accessories
                        TopSafe protective case for measuring instrument, waterproof
                          Product no.:
                          0516 0222
                          ZAR 827.75with VAT ZAR 951.91
                        • Accessories
                          Handle for attachable measurement tips
                          Handle for attachable measurement tips
                            Product no.:
                            0409 1092
                            Price on request
                          • Applications

                            Flow and return temperature measurement on heating systems

                            To ensure the heating system is set correctly and efficiently, the flow and return temperatures must be measured. If it is not set correctly, either the requisite heat will not be provided or too much energy will be injected into an overly high flow temperature, i.e. the output from the energy is poor.

                            testo 922 advantages:

                            • Quick and easy measurement of the differential temperature with pipe wrap probes
                            • Also optionally available with radio probes for wireless measurement
                            • Display of minimum and maximum measuring values
                            • Immediate printing of measuring values via optional wireless printer


                            Product brochures

                            Operating instructions


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