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    testo Saveris 2 - Advanced Cloud licence for 12 months

    0526 0735
  1. 한계값 위반 시 이메일 또는 문자 메시지를 통해 알림
  2. 12 개월 동안 Advanced Cloud 라이센스
  3. 어디에서든 모든 장치로 측정값 확인 가능
  4. WLAN을 통한 데이터 전송
  5. 자동 측정값 문서 생성
  6. 클라우드로 제공되는 무료 온라인 데이터 메모리
  7. 12 개월 동안 testo Saveris 2 Advanced Cloud 라이센스를 사용하면 Testo Cloud의 확장 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. Testo Cloud에서 testo Saveris 2 시스템을 설정합니다. 또한 측정 데이터를 저장하고 평가합니다. Advanced Cloud 라이센스는 중요한 측정 값을위한 유연한 측정주기 설정 및 SMS 경보와 같은 특수 Testo Cloud 기능의 이점을 제공합니다.
    • not available

      한계값 위반 시 이메일 또는 문자 메시지를 통해 알림

    The testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system is the simple, versatile and reliable solution for monitoring humidity and temperature in your storage, refrigerated and work areas, as well as in processes. The system comprises at least one wireless data logger (can be ordered separately), which you can start using straight away after registering at www.saveris.net. The readings recorded by the wireless data loggers are transmitted to the Testo Cloud and centrally stored there. You can access and evaluate them at any time, from anywhere: simply using your internet-capable smartphone, tablet or PC.

    Testo Cloud functions of the Advanced Cloud licence

    This purchase gives you the testo Saveris 2 Advanced Cloud licence for a period of 12 months. The Testo Cloud provides up to 2 years' secure and reliable storage for your wireless data logger readings. You can easily access all the data for humidity and temperature monitoring from an unlimited number of wireless data loggers via Internet browser from anywhere with your smartphone, tablet or PC. In addition to this, you configure the wireless data loggers (e.g. by setting the measuring cycle), evaluate measurement data and analyze them via the Testo Cloud.

    When you purchase the Advanced Cloud licence, you benefit from flexible measuring cycle settings, ranging from intervals of 1 minute to 24 hours. In addition, you can use SMS alarms with the Advanced Cloud licence: You will be alerted via SMS if limit values are exceeded. This means you always have your humidity and temperature monitoring under control wherever you are. If the standard 25 SMS per logger over 12 months are not sufficient, you have the option of purchasing additional SMS packages. Time savings mean reports can be created both manually and fully automatically.

    Use of time-controlled alarms with the Advanced Cloud licence

    Useful for temperature monitoring of refrigerated/frozen foods:

    • Alarm switch-off when refrigeration units need to be defrosted or are out of use over weekends.
    • Second alarm threshold for more flexible alarm management
    • Alarm delay for avoiding premature alarms (e.g. when the refrigerator door is opened briefly)

    Note: You need WLAN at the measuring location for transmission of the readings from the wireless data loggers to the Testo Cloud.

    testo Saveris 2 Advanced Cloud licence for 12 months with SMS alarm (25 SMS per logger). The purchase of this Testo Cloud licence gives you access to all the Advanced functions described above.

    The price of the testo Saveris 2 Advanced Cloud licence depends on the maximum number of testo Saveris data loggers you want to integrate in your account.
    Example: If you want to add five data loggers to your account, you should purchase a licence for five data loggers – even if you will use less data loggers at first.