World market leader

    in measurement technology

    Sustainability at Testo

    As a company operating in the air conditioning and environmental measuring technology sector, the sustainable use of resources is an integral part of Testo's self-image. In addition to developing and producing measuring instruments which protect our environment and health, we are therefore committed to greater sustainability and an economical use of resources – from the way our employees get to work through to the development and production of our measuring instruments.

    We have already undertaken the following measures in this area:

    E-mobility at Testo

    Testo switches to e-mobility

    Four electric cars have been added to Testo's corporate fleet. They are above all used for journeys between sites, because these make up 70% of the fleet's journeys.

    Testo promotes the use of local public transport

    The new site in Titisee was deliberately selected to be close to the local railway station. This makes it easy for commuters from Freiburg and the surrounding area to use local public transport. Testo provides shuttle vehicles to facilitate transport for employees from Titisee railway station to the site in Lenzkirch.

    We have already been awarded Freiburg's eco-traffic label on two occasions (2012 and 2013) for this.

    Testo saves energy and natural resources

    Testo reduces energy and fuel consumption for heating and cooling its buildings through modern heating concepts and usage which is tailored to needs. The new building at the Titisee site was designed according to the “Green Buildings” principle, so as to waste as little energy as possible and to ensure as little pollution of nature in the surrounding area as possible.

    Methods of heating the building in winter include building substance activation, enabling a constant ambient temperature and avoiding any energy-intensive temperature peaks. The same system is used for cooling indoor areas in summer.

    In addition, night-time cooling supports a pleasant ambient temperature: ventilation flaps automatically open at night and remain open until the cool night air flowing in has ensured the right temperature.

    Testo relies on Green IT

    Testo is gradually converting its computer centres to new air conditioning technology. Up to 120 tonnes of CO2 can be saved each year after modernization.

    In the spring of 2023, the cooling system of the central data centre in Lenzkirch was optimized significantly. In doing this, Testo is taking advantage of the harsh Black Forest climate: With an average annual temperature of 6 degrees Celsius, 80% of the air conditioning can be provided by free cooling. This means that, unlike conventional cooling methods, the data centre only requires a fraction of the energy for cooling.

    This optimization is illustrated by the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) value. The PUE describes the ratio of the total amount of energy used in a data centre to the energy consumed by the installed IT equipment. In 2022, the PUE value of all German data centres averaged approximately 1.6. For comparison: In 2010, the value was actually 1.95. Testo’s data centre in Lenzkirch achieves a PUE value of 1.2. Only a few new builds designed and certified for energy optimization manage to achieve this value.

    Expressed in figures, this means:

    • Following this modernization, Testo is saving more than 100,000 kWh of electricity per year.

    • This results in actual savings of more than 40 tonnes of CO2 per year.

    Testo offers sustainable products and a repairs service

    We would like our measuring instruments to be capable of long-term use, and we therefore focus on stability and high quality in development. However, if there is still something that does not work, we provide a comprehensive repair service and so contribute to the sustainability of our products.