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    Flexible thermoelectric couple - with TC type K temperature sensor (PTFE)

    Izdelek št. 0602 0646
    Thermocouple with TC adapter, flexible, 1500 mm long, PTFE
    € 35,00z DDV € 42,70
    Vaše prednosti
  1. Thermoelectric couple type K with TC plug
  2. Heatproof to +250°C due to the teflon coating (PTFE)
  3. Length 1500 mm (flexible)
  4. Flexible thermoelectric couple with teflon coating (PTFE) for fast and easy measurement of the air temperature.


    The thermoelectric couple is ideal for fast and easy measurement of the air temperature. The flexible thermocouple wire can for instance be laid through drill holes, gaps or door seals.

    Thanks to the PTFE insulation, the thermoelectric couple can also be used in the food or pharmaceutical sector. Use it for instance to take measurements of climate cabinets or ripening chambers in the food sector.

    Obseg dobave

    Flexible thermoelectric couple (TC type K temperature sensor) with teflon coating (PTFE) (cable length 1500 mm).

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        • Tehnični podatki

          Temperature - TC Type K (NiCr-Ni)

          Measuring range
          −50 to +250 °C
          Class 2 ¹⁾
          Reaction time
          5 s
          1) According to standard EN 60584-1, the accuracy of Class 1 refers to -40 to +1000 °C (Type K), Class 2 to -40 to +1200 °C (Type K), Class 3 to -200 to +40 °C (Type K).

          General technical data

          30 g
          Product-/housing material
          Product colour
          Black; green
          Diameter probe shaft
          1,5 mm
          Length probe shaft
          1.500 mm

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