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    3. Strokovna merilna tehnologija za ogrevalne sisteme, primerna za vsako zahtevo.

    Merilne rešitve za ogrevalno tehniko.

    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    Preberite več
    Measurement solutions for heating technology

    Simple, connected - for all requirements.

    With heating measurement solutions from Testo, you are ideally equipped for all measurement tasks in your everyday work on all heating systems - and thus do your job even more professionally, reliably and quickly!

    Flue gas analysis on heating systems with flue gas measuring instrument testo 300 NEXT LEVEL

    Flue gas analysis: For an optimally adjusted heating system

    Izvedite več.

    Servicing heat pumps with the digital manifold testo 570s

    Heat pumps: cost and energy efficiency, and environmentally friendly operation

    Izvedite več.

    Differential pressure measurement on heating systems with testo 512-1

    Other applications related to heating systems

    Izvedite več.

    Heating technology

    Flue gas analysis:

    professional and reliable.

    Flue gas analysis with professional flue gas analyzers from Testo helps to make combustion processes more efficient, to optimize thermal processes, and above all, to reduce emissions.

    No alternative in efficient flue gas measurement

    Učinkovito brezžično merjenje do štirih dodatnih parametrov hkrati prek naših pametnih sond – z novim testo 300 NEXT LEVEL!! S praktičnim drugim zaslonom in intuitivnim upravljanjem – ne bi moglo biti bolj preprosto.

    Efficient flue gas measurement - with up to 4 wireless Smart Probes simultaneously: the testo 300 NEXT LEVEL

    Our flue gas measuring devices at a glance

    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    testo 310: for simple flue gas analysis.

    The flue gas analyser combines simple functions and measuring accuracy - perfect for all basic measurements on the heating system.

    testo 300: for professional flue gas analysis.

    The testo 300 flue gas meter is ideal for the most important measurements around heating systems. It combines decades of experience in measurement technology with contemporary smart-touch operation, robust processing and protocol dispatch by e-mail.

    testo 330i: the future of flue gas analysis

    The flue gas analyser combines simple functions and measuring accuracy - perfect for all basic measurements on the heating system.

    See for yourself and hear a user’s voice:

    Z novimi pametnimi funkcijami, kot so vzporedno merjenje, drugi zaslon in pošiljanje merilnih podatkov po e-pošti, prihranite veliko časa. Če bi nagradil podjetje za njegovo inovativno izdelki, ki resnično naredijo razliko - to bi bil Testo! Lahko rečete, da je vse dobro premišljeno.

    Karl-Heinz Bilz


    Plumbing and heating foreman, Nidderau

    Reduce emissions. Increase efficiency.

    Analizatorji dimnega plina

    With a number of exhaust gas probes, sensors and special options such as automatic dilution or Peltier gas preparation, the exhaust gas analyzers from Testo were specially developed for extreme demands.

    Izvedite več.

    The right measuring instrument for every application

    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    testo Smart App

    Dobrodošli v testo Smart World: Cel svet v eni aplikaciji.

    Hitreje, lažje, pametneje: Aplikacija Testo Smart združuje vsa orodja in meritve, dokumentacijo pa lahko udobno upravljate s pametnim telefonom ali tablico. Izkoristite inteligentno povezljivost in edinstveno rešitev vse v enem za vse aplikacije.

    Izvedite več.
    testo Smart App

    Parallel measurement

    Efficient and safe


    Uncomplicated and safe

    Customer data management

    Quick and easy

    Data transfer

    Professional and comfortable

    Second Screen

    Simply comfortable

    Remote Control

    Simple and flexible

    Izvajanje meritev na površinah

    Differential pressure

    Preizkus tlaka plina na gorilnikih je ena izmed standardnih meritev med servisiranjem domačih ogrevalnih sistemov. To vključuje meritev tlaka plinskega pretoka in tlaka plina v mirovanju.

    • Optimalni tlak pretoka v plinskih gorilnikih v razponu 18 do 25 mbarov

    • Izognite se izpadom ogrevalnega sistema.

    Differential pressure measurement with testo 512-1
    Nasveti in triki

    Excerpt: Carry out measuring tasks on heating systems efficiently and safely

    Download the exclusive practical guide for free now.

    To download
    Measuring tasks on heating systems

    Checking the gas connection pressure

    1.2. Setting the gas-air ratio

    1.3. Preparing the flue gas analyzer

    1.4. Determining the flue gas loss

    1.5. Calculating the efficiency (η)

    And much more ...

    Everything around the topic of heating measurement technology

    Our services


    Z veseljem vam pomagamo.

    Customer services

    In case of malfunctions, send in your meter with a short description of the error. Please also include your telephone number for any queries. Normally you will receive your meter back within one week.


    Our subsidiary Testo Industrial Services supports you every day in ensuring quality while always complying with the relevant standards and guidelines. You get all the services you need for this from a single source.

    HVAC/R Magazine

    Samo vedite
    kaj se dogaja.

    Več novic, več orodij: V naši brezplačni reviji HVAC/R lahko izveste vse o glavnih tehnoloških trendih v panogi, dobite dragocene strokovne nasvete in razburljiv vpogled v testo Smart World.

    HVAC/R Magazine

    Trend Radar:
    Tehnologije prihodnosti

    Najspretnejša pomoč vseh časov

    Nova, pametna hladilna oprema

    Ekskluzivni strokovni nasveti

    In še veliko več!