1800 °C工业烟气采样探头套装,用于采样高温烟气(1200℃<烟温< 1800 °C),适用于 testo 340 和testo 350。
1800 °C工业烟气采样探头套装 - 搭配恰当的测量仪器 - 可应用于:
- 测量炉内气氛
- 测量烟气,用于监测能效/调试工业装置
- 监测排放
1800 °C工业烟气采样探头套装的组成:
- 非加热手柄
- 1800 °C 非加热采样管
- 非加热采样软管,包含粉尘过滤器
1800 °C工业烟气采样探头套装的采样管不可延长,也不可连接前置过滤器。当烟气温度超过1370 °C,必须使用S型热电偶,其测量范围可达1760 °C 。
The industrial probe set 1 800 °C consists of the following components:
- Unheated handle
- Unheated probe shaft up to 1 800 °C flue gas temperature
- Unheated gas sampling hose with inline filter
The industrial probe set 1 800 °C cannot be extended. It also cannot be upgraded by adding a preliminary filter. For temperature measurements which exceed 1 200 °C, we recommend a Type S thermocouple