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    Cooking oil-temperature kit

    0563 0101
    Cooking oil-temperature kit
    testo 104
    Cooking oil-temperature kit
  1. Determine cooking oil quality easily and precisely with testo 270
  2. Incl. reference oil for adjusting the cooking oil tester on site
  3. Measure surface temperature and core temperature with testo 104-IR
  4. Washable case for hygienically stowing away at the application site
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    Why not enjoy the benefits that it has to offer: >> To the product

    • 1 x testo 270 cooking oil tester incl. batteries, reference oil for cooking oil testers, testo 270 training card, calibration protocol and instruction manual
    • 1 x testo 104-IR waterproof penetration/infrared thermometer incl. batteries, testo 104-IR training card and calibration protocol
    • 1 x Transport case food small (0516 7302)

    Temperature checking for incoming goods and during transport and storage

    The temperature of foods has a crucial influence on the formation and proliferation of germs and therefore on product quality and consumer health. In order to ensure food safety, there is therefore an obligation to monitor the temperatures of foods and to check that cooling chain compliance is uninterrupted. Among the measures used to achieve this is checking temperature on receipt and during transport and storage of the goods. The testo 104-IR infrared and penetration thermometer helps you to do this. It offers:

    • Fast scanning of the goods delivered using infrared measuring technology
    • Immediate checking where values are critical via fold-out penetration probe
    • Simple display of the measuring range via 2-point laser
    • Robustness thanks to a waterproof housing
    • HACCP-compliant measurement