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    3. Cloud licences for testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system

    Monitoring ambient conditions

    easily & reliably with testo Saveris 2.

    The Testo Cloud for the testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system

    The Testo Cloud for the testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system

    The testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system for temperature monitoring includes at least one radio data logger and access to the Testo Cloud: Via WLAN, your readings are transmitted to the Cloud and stored there.

    In addition, the Testo Cloud functions as a central operating element for setting up your testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system. You can also manage your user profiles and account settings there.

    Access to the Testo Cloud is free of charge. Simply register and follow the step-by-step instructions for setting up the system.

    Overview of the advantages of the Cloud

    • Central operating element for the monitoring, documentation and administration of all measurement locations

    • Secure protection of your measurement data from unauthorized access by third parties

    • Automatic storage of your readings, all measurement data is available at all times

    • Alarm function for critical values

    • Two licence packages with different scopes of function

    The readings for the various measuring points can be analyzed via smartphone and the Testo Cloud

    Overview of all Testo Cloud licence info:

    Advanced licence
    Measuring cycle1 min to 24 h
    Communication cycle1 min to 24 h
    Data storageMax. 2 years
    ReportsManual (.pdf/.csv) Automatic (.pdf/.csv)
    Data analysisFor up to 10 measurement channels simultaneously
    Number of users per account10
    Number of radio data loggers per accountUnlimited
    Alarm optionsUpper/lower alarm thresholds Alarm delay Time control of alarms
    System notificationsLow battery Radio link interrupted Power supply interrupted
    E-mail alarmYes
    SMS alarmIncluding 25 SMS per logger and year Option of purchasing additional SMS packages
    Duration12 months: Order no. 0526 0735

    Product info, data protection and Cloud access

    Product brochure testo Saveris 2

    The testo Saveris 2 radio data logger system can be put together just the way you need it at your pharmacy. The product brochure offers you an overview of:

    • All testo Saveris 2 data loggers

    • All technical specifications

    • All information on licences

    Security dossier testo Saveris 2

    Security dossier

    Go to download

    Security dossier testo Saveris 2

    Your security is important to us. That’s why we have compiled all the relevant information on protecting your data and privacy in this Security dossier. For secure, automated IAQ monitoring to put your mind at ease.

    Access to the Testo Cloud

    To be able to use the Testo Cloud with all end devices, please register once

    • Register

    • Log in

    • Done!

    Video instructions testo Saveris 2

    How-to videos

    To the videos

    How-to videos

    Is it complicated to log in to the Testo Cloud? Not at all. Convince yourself with the compact video tutorial.

    testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system

    testo Saveris 2

    Find out more

    System overview

    Climatic environmental conditions easily under control.

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