Lux and UV probe for monitoring light-sensitive exhibition objects
Lux and UV probe for monitoring light-sensitive exhibition objects - External probe for the testo 160 E and 160 THE Wi-Fi data loggers
0572 2157
Lux and UV probe for monitoring light-sensitive exhibition objects - External probe for the testo 160 E and 160 THE Wi-Fi data loggers
0572 2157
Non-noticeable monitoring of exhibits and display cases
Illuminance measurement range 0 to 20,000 Lux
UV radiation range 0 to 10,000 mW/m2
Connects to Wi-Fi logger with extension cables
The Lux and UV probe is applicable to exhibits where the light sensitive paintings, fabrics or papers must have logs of their cumulative exposure.
The probe is supplied with a connecting cable (length 0.6 m) and if required, longer (8.2 ft. / 2.5 m) extension cables can be added. Multiple cables can be combined up to a length of 32.8 ft. / 10 meters.
Applications for the Lux/UV probe
The Lux and UV probe is applicable to exhibits where the light sensitive paintings, fabrics or papers must have logs of their cumulative exposure.
Smart probe calibration
The Lux and UV probe offers maximum digital measurement reliability. As the processing of measuring values is done within the probe, the quality of the measurement is not affected by the length of the cable between the Wi-Fi data logger and the probe. The probe can be sent in for calibration on its own (without the data logger) because the calibration points are stored internally.
1 x Lux and UV probe with plug-in cable (length 1.7 ft. / 0.6 m) and factory calibration document.