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    testo 440 delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth® - 스마트 다기능 측정기 testo 440 차압 & 풍속 세트 2

    주문 번호 0563 4410
    testo 440 Delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth®
    Volume flow measurement in ducts with the air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument testo 440
    Volume flow measurement at outlets with the air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument testo 440
    Volumetric flow measurement in ventilation ducts with hot wire probe and testo 440
    Volumetric flow measurement at ceiling outlets with vane probe (Ø 100 mm) and testo 440
    Volumetric flow measurement at  at ventilation grilles with vane probe (Ø 100 mm) and testo 440
    Monitoring of relative humidity in work rooms with humidity probe and testo 440
    Differential pressure measurement on filters with testo 440 dP
  1. 대기 관련 모든 파라미터용 측정기
  2. 덕트 내 풍속, 풍량, 온습도, 차압 등 측정이 용이한 직관적인 측정 메뉴 및 한글 컬러 디스플레이 지원
  3. 100mm 베인, 16mm 베인, 온습도 프로브 헤드를 연결할 수 있는 블루투스 다기능 핸들 지원
  4. 대형 프로브 포트폴리오를 이용하여 확장 가능
  5. 블루투스 프로브를 이용한 무선 측정
  6. 측정 프로토콜을 CSV 파일로 내보낼 수 있는 USB 인터페이스
  7. 공조 전문가를 위한 세트: 스마트 다기능 측정기 testo 440-2와 100mm 베인 프로브, 16mm 베인 프로브, 온습도 프로브, 콤비 케이스로 구성된 차압 & 풍속 세트
    • not available
      대기 관련 모든 파라미터용 측정기

      대기 관련 모든 파라미터용 측정기


    상품 제공 시 포함

    • 스마트 다기능 측정기 testo 440-2 (제품번호 0560 4402)
    • AA배터리 3개
    • USB 연결케이블
    • 공장 성적서
    • 100mm 베인 프로브 BT (온도 센서 포함) (제품번호 0635 9431)
    • 16mm 베인 프로브 헤드 (온도 센서 포함) (제품번호 0635 9570)
    • 12mm 온습도 프로브 헤드 (제품번호 0636 9730)
    • 풍속 센서용 텔레스코프 핸들 (최대 1m, 90도 앵글 어댑터 포함) (제품번호 0554 0960)
    • 콤비 케이스 (천재질) (제품번호 0516 4401)

    기술 데이터


    습도용 프로브

    압력 프로브

    온도용 프로브

    편리한 측정





  8. 교정성적서
    Calibration certificate
    ISO 교정 성적서/압력
      주문 번호:
      0520 0005
    • 교정성적서
      Calibration certificate
      DKD 교정 성적서/차압과 양압
        주문 번호:
        0520 0225
      • 교정성적서
        Calibration certificate
        ISO 교정성적서/풍속
          주문 번호:
          0520 0004
        • 액세서리

          추가 측정용 기기/프로브

        • 추가 측정용 기기/프로브
          testovent 417 volume flow straightener
          Flow straightener testovent 417
            주문 번호:
            0554 4172
          • 측정을 위한 액세서리

          • 측정을 위한 액세서리
            USB의 전원 장치 포함. 케이블
              주문 번호:
              0554 1105
            • 측정을 위한 액세서리
              Connection hose, silicone
              Connection hose, silicone - max. load capacity up to 700 hPa (mbar)
                주문 번호:
                0554 0440
              • 측정을 위한 액세서리
                Connection hose
                5 m 비실리콘호스, 최대 압력 700 hPa (mbar)
                  주문 번호:
                  0554 0453
                • 적용 분야

                  Convenience and maximum flexibility for duct and outlet measurements

                  Use our large range of air velocity probes (please order probes that are not included in the kit separately) to carry out simple, convenient measurements even at locations that are difficult to access in ventilation ducts or at air outlets:

                  You can even carry out easy measurements in particularly large ducts. This is because the extendable telescope on the hot wire and vane probe (Ø 16 mm) with universal handle can be further extended using the telescope extension – enabling you to attain a total length of 2 metres.

                  Carry out measurements at air/ceiling outlets effortlessly and without using a ladder. Fit your vane probe (Ø 100 mm) with the telescope with 90° angle and, if necessary, with the telescope extension (both can be ordered separately).

                  Greater freedom thanks to Bluetooth: the air velocity probes with Bluetooth have no inconvenient cable connection to the measuring instrument, and they transmit readings up to a distance of 20 m. Press the button on the probe to operate the measuring instrument – for example, to start and stop a series of measurements (timed mean calculation).

                  Attach the testo 440 dP air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument to metal surfaces (e.g. ducts) easily using the practical magnets.

                  Benefit from fast calculation of the volume flow: in the “volume flow” measurement menu of the multifunction measuring instrument, configure the dimensions and geometry of the duct cross-section – the measuring instrument shows you the volume flow straight away.

                  Long-term monitoring of indoor air quality

                  Poor indoor air quality due to excessive concentrations of CO2 can cause tiredness, lack of concentration and even illness. With its menu for recording readings, the testo 440 air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument is ideal for monitoring the indoor air quality. Enter the measurement time and the measuring cycle – and, for example, track the change in CO2 concentration or humidity and temperature values over the course of the day. Simply choose between probes with Bluetooth or fixed cable for CO2, CO or humidity (please order probes that are not included in the kit separately).

                  Turbulence measurement in accordance with EN ISO 7730 / ASHRAE 55

                  Determine the degree of turbulence and the draught risk in the workplace: draught restricts the comfort level and is the most common cause of complaints about the indoor climate. The turbulence probe (please order separately) measures air velocity and air temperature, and automatically calculates the draught risk and the degree of turbulence in accordance with EN ISO 7730/ASHRAE 55.
                  For convenient measurements at varying heights, we recommend using our measuring tripod for comfort level measurement (please order separately). This makes it very easy to position turbulence probes in compliance with the standards.

                  Range of probes for cleanrooms and laboratories

                  The testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument is also ideal for a wide variety of applications in cleanrooms and laboratories in conjunction with the following probes:
                  • High-precision flow measurement in fume cupboards with the fume cupboard probe
                  • Thanks to the low start-up speed of 0.1 m/s, the high-precision vane probe (Ø 100 mm) is ideal for laminar flow measurements in cleanrooms. It is available as a variant with Bluetooth or with fixed cable
                  • To measure the humidity in cleanrooms, we recommend the high-precision humidity/temperature probe (0636 9771 or 0636 9772). With an accuracy of ±(0.6 %RH + 0.7% of m.v.) (0 to 90 %RH), it also meets the requirements for humidity measurements in this particularly sensitive area
                  • Use the high-precision digital Pt100 temperature probes, for example, for high-precision comparative measurements in calibration laboratories, temperature measurements in chemical laboratories or in the cosmetics industry as well as for determining the temperature distribution in refrigerators and conditioning cabinets


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