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    testo 6603 - Process IAQ probe for duct mounting for higher process temperatures

    주문 번호 0555 6603
  1. IAQ probe for monitoring higher process temperatures and humidity
  2. Measurement ranges: Temperature from -30 °C to +120 °C, humidity from 0 to 100 %RH
  3. Measuring accuracy of ± (1.7 + 0.007 * reading) %RH ±0.02 %RH per Kelvin*
  4. Easy installation with duct bracket and quick probe change thanks to digital interface and plug-in system
  5. The testo 6603 temperature and humidity probe is designed for measurements in air conditioning ducts, is equipped with a high-precision, long-term stable humidity sensor from Testo and delivers precise measurement results.


    With its extended temperature measuring range of -30 °C to +120 °C, the probe is ideal for use at higher process temperatures. The duct bracket, the plug-in system and the digital interface all make installation, commissioning and probe replacement exceptionally quick and easy for you.

    * Long-term stability: ≤ ±1% RH / year

    상품 제공 시 포함

    1 x testo 6603 humidity and temperature probe including cable for wall mounting (cable length 700 mm) and factory certificate.


    제품 브로셔

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