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    CO2 probe - for indoor air quality

    Izdelek št. 0632 1240
    CO2 probe - for indoor air quality
    € 620,00z DDV € 756,40
    Vaše prednosti
  1. Direct determination of CO2 levels in the indoor air
  2. Precise NDIR measurement method
  3. Maintenance-free sensor with long-term stability
  4. Measuring range: 0 to +10,000 ppm

  5. The CO2 probe (in conjunction with the appropriate measuring instrument) helps you to detect carbon dioxide in indoor room air.


    Use the CO2 probe to determine the carbon dioxide levels in indoor room air.

    The CO2 concentration is a primary indicator of indoor air quality. Poor air quality due to excessive concentrations of CO2 can cause tiredness, lack of concentration and reduced productivity. A high CO2 concentration is indicative of a poorly functioning ventilation system.

    Obseg dobave

    CO2 probe with calibration protocol.
    Note: you need a plug-in head cable (0430 0143) for this probe.

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    • Tehnični podatki

      Ambient CO₂

      Measuring range
      0 to +10000 ppm
      0 to +1 Vol.%
      ±(150 ppm + 5 % of mv) (+5001 to +10000 ppm)
      ±(75 ppm + 3 % of mv) (0 to +5000 ppm)



    • Accessories
      Connection cable
      Connection cable
        Številka izdelka:
        0430 0143
        € 58,20z DDV € 71,00
      • Prenosi

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