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    ISO calibration certificate for thermal imager - with three measuring points

    Izdelek št. 0520 0489
    ISO calibration certificate
    Vaše prednosti
  1. 3 calibration points: 0 / +25 / +50 °C
  2. Calibration of the thermal imager
  3. According to the ISO standard
  4. This ISO calibration certificate for temperature certifies that your thermal imager is calibrated. Calibration is carried out according to the ISO standard.


    Annual calibration is required wherever thermal imagers are used in quality-related areas. This is because even the smallest measurement errors can have critical consequences.

    In most cases, ISO calibrations which fulfil the requirements of the various standards and are traceable to national standards are sufficient. What are referred to as ISO certificates are then issued for these calibrations.

    This ISO calibration certificate for temperature certifies that your thermal imager is calibrated at the following points:
    0 °C, +25 °C and +50 °C.

    If you want ISO calibration at other calibration points, you can also order an ISO calibration certificate with freely selectable measuring points (0520 0495).

    Obseg dobave

    ISO calibration certificate for thermal imager with the calibration points: 0 / +25 / +50 °C.

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