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    3. Measurement technology for every heat pump with refrigerant

    Measurement solutions for sustainable heating

    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    Testo measuring instruments for heat pumps

    Simple, connected - for all requirements.

    With heating measurement solutions from Testo, you are ideally equipped for all measurement tasks in your everyday work on all heating systems - and thus do your job even more professionally, reliably and quickly!

    Servicing heat pumps with the digital manifold testo 570s

    Heat pumps: cost and energy efficiency, and environmentally friendly operation

    Izvedite več.

    Flue gas analysis on heating systems with flue gas measuring instrument testo 300 NEXT LEVEL

    Flue gas analysis: For an optimally adjusted heating system

    Izvedite več.

    Differential pressure measurement on heating systems with testo 512-1

    Other applications related to heating systems

    Izvedite več.

    Heating technology

    Heat pumps under control:
    From commissioning and regulation up to maintenance and service

    In order for heat pumps to reliably provide sustainable heat, and for the heating curve to be right, they have to be thoroughly checked using suitable measurement technology at regular service and maintenance intervals.

    An annual service is also recommended for all heat pumps with refrigerant. This is way, efficient operation is ensured, and your customers can save costs.

    Measurement technology for servicing heat pumps with refrigerant

    Servicing heat pumps

    With a digital manifold, you can carry out the commissioning and service of heat pumps quickly, flexibly, and precisely. Bluetooth, wireless probes and the testo Smart App make measurement and documentation easier.

    • Perform high-precision measurements in no time

    • Ensure tightness of refrigeration systems

    • Test and optimize the efficiency of the system

    Digitalni razdelilnik iz Testo

    Our manifolds and Smart Probes for heat pumps at a glance

    What customers say about Testo digital manifolds

    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    What else I would like to say to other installers, the device really saves a lot of time, you don't have to take as much stuff with you, you don't have to do as much yourself, because the testo 557s does everything for you.

    Tom Siben


    Service technician at Lennox

    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    In the past, we had to work with analogue measuring devices and needed a notepad and we needed external temperature sensors. Testo has now incorporated all of this into a single device. This makes it much easier and much quicker for us to satisfy the customer with the performance of their device.

    Peter van Vliet



    Kje bi radi uporabljali svoj vakuumski merilnik?

    My first impression is very positive, a very nice, new measuring set, the purchase of which you certainly won't regret as a cooling technician. I don't think any other brand can compete.

    Marco Slump


    Owner of Slump Heating and Refrigeration, Appingedam (NL)

    The new digital manifold testo 557s in use at the heating and refrigeration technology company Slump (NL).
    testo Smart App

    One App for all applications

    The testo Smart App guides you quickly and easily through measurements on refrigeration, air conditioning and heating systems.

    Now new:

    PRO measuring programs for increasing the efficiency of your applications

    Izvedite več.
    testo Smart App


    Združljiva z vsemi merilnimi instrumenti z Bluetoothom


    Direct report dispatch by e-mail


    All measurement values at a glance


    Intuitive measurement menus


    Free download, free use


    PRO measuring programs

    Further applications on heat pumps

    Praznjenje hladilnih sistemov

    Vakuumski merilniki

    Izvedite več.

    Evacuating/ vacuum measurement

    Profesionalno in zelo natančno merjenje pritiska

    Polnjenje hladilnih sistemov

    Tehtnice za hladilno sredstvo

    Izvedite več.


    Avtomatsko in natančno polnjenje po ciljni vrednosti

    Check electrical parameters on refrigeration systems

    natančni merilni instrumenti

    Izvedite več.

    Električni preizkusi

    Varen preizkus vseh električnih parametrov opreme in komponent

    Detecting leaks in refrigeration systems

    detektor uhajanja

    Izvedite več.

    Leak detection/ tightness testing

    Zanesljivo odkrivanje najmanjših uhajanj za vsa običajna hladilna sredstva

    Measuring temperature on refrigeration systems

    Mini thermometer

    Izvedite več.

    Temperature measurement

    Fleksibilno merjenje temperature komponent in zraka okoli njih

    Carry out long-term measurements on refrigeration systems

    Digitalni manometer testo 570s

    Izvedite več.

    Dolgoročne meritve

    Inteligentna analiza napak v aplikaciji testo Smart, Najdaljša življenjska doba baterije, in velik podatkovni pomnilnik

    Praktičen vodič:

    Heat pump knowledge in 4 modules

    Download the exclusive practical guide for free now.

    Go to download
    Testo refrigeration knowledge

    Understanding heat pumps


    Main components of the compression refrigeration circuit

    Planning heat pump systems

    Sound measurement

    And much more ...

    Other applications related to heating systems

    Differential pressure

    Checking the gas pressure on burners is one of the standard measurements during maintenance on domestic heating systems. The gas flow pressure and the gas rest pressure of the system are measured.

    • Optimum flow pressure for gas boilers in the range of 18 to 25 mbar

    • Avoid failure of the heating system

    Differential pressure measurement with testo 512-1

    Everything around the topics of heating measurement technology and heat pumps

    Our services


    Z veseljem vam pomagamo.

    Customer services

    In case of malfunctions, send in your meter with a short description of the error. Please also include your telephone number for any queries. Normally you will receive your meter back within one week.


    Our subsidiary Testo Industrial Services supports you every day in ensuring quality while always complying with the relevant standards and guidelines. You get all the services you need for this from a single source.

    HVAC/R Magazine

    Samo vedite
    kaj se dogaja.

    Več novic, več orodij: V naši brezplačni reviji HVAC/R lahko izveste vse o glavnih tehnoloških trendih v panogi, dobite dragocene strokovne nasvete in razburljiv vpogled v testo Smart World.

    HVAC/R Magazine

    Trend Radar:
    Tehnologije prihodnosti

    Najspretnejša pomoč vseh časov

    Nova, pametna hladilna oprema

    Ekskluzivni strokovni nasveti

    In še veliko več!