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    testo 770-3 - Clamp meter with Bluetooth

    Izdelek št. 0590 7703 02
    Vaše prednosti
  1. Increased accuracy in the lower current range thanks to improved resolution
  2. TRMS measurement
  3. Auto AC/DC for voltage and large two-line display
  4. Bluetooth connection to testo Smart App and other Testo measuring instruments
  5. Easy to operate thanks to the retractable pincer arm
  6. Non-contact measurement on tightly packed cables is really easy and reliable with the testo 770-3 clamp meter. Its innovative grab mechanism will make your work easy. The most powerful model in the clamp meter series, it offers lots of additional functions for those challenging tasks that you are faced with on a daily basis, e.g. connection to the testo Smart App and other Testo measuring instruments. Thanks to its increased resolution, the clamp meter delivers highly precise results even in the lower current range.


    The testo 770-3 clamp meter is the ideal clamp amperemeter for demanding measuring tasks in tight application environments. The movable pincer arm can be fully retracted into the instrument. This enables the instrument to grab tightly packed cables in a particularly accurate way.

    Thanks to improved resolution, high-precision results are also generated in the lower current range. The testo 770-3 also has an extended voltage measurement range of up to 1000 V.

    In addition, more specialized applications can be handled using the clamp meter, such as starting current, power and μA measurements. The optionally available temperature adapter for thermocouple probes can be used to measure electrical parameters as well as temperatures (compatible Type K thermocouple probe can be ordered separately).

    The clamp amperemeter automatically detects and selects AC/DC and other parameters, such as resistance, continuity, diode and capacitance,. This makes operation easier and more reliable than ever before.

    The measurement values can be clearly shown on the two-part display of the clamp meter and in the testo Smart App. The testo 770-3 can be quickly and easily connected to the testo Smart App and other Testo measuring instruments via Bluetooth. In the App, you can display the measurement curve as a graph on your smartphone/tablet and save and send readings directly in the report.

    Obseg dobave

    testo 770-3 clamp meter with Bluetooth, 1 x set of measuring leads, carrying case, 3 x AAA batteries and test protocol

    Tehnični podatki

    Temperature - TC Type K (NiCr-Ni)

    Measuring range
    −20 to +500 °C
    ±1 °C (0 to +100 °C)
    0,2 °C

    DC voltage

    Measuring range
    1,0 to 1000,0 V
    max. 1 mV
    ± (0,8 % of mv + 3 Digit)

    AC voltage

    Measuring range
    1,0 mV to 1000,0 V
    max. 1 mV
    ± (1 % of mv + 3 Digit)


    Air probes

  7. Air probes
    Robuster Luftfühler, TE Typ K
    Robust air temperature probe (TC type K) – measuring range: -60 to +400 °C
      Številka izdelka:
      0602 1793
      € 72,00z DDV € 87,84
    • Surface probes


    • Thermocouples
      Thermocouple with TC adapter, flexible, 800 mm long
      Flexible thermoelectric couple (TC type K, glass fibre) – Measuring range: -50 to +400°C
        Številka izdelka:
        0602 0644
        € 22,00z DDV € 26,84
      • Kompleti


      • Sets
        testo 770-3 Premium kit
          Številka izdelka:
          0590 7703 03
        • Dodatki


        • Accessories
          Adapter for type K thermocouples
          Adapter for type K thermocouples, measuring range -20 to +500°C
            Številka izdelka:
            0590 0021
            € 34,00z DDV € 41,48
          • Accessories
            Safety crocodile clips 0590 0008
            Safety crocodile clips, 1 set, 10 A, CAT III 600 V
              Številka izdelka:
              0590 0008
              € 27,00z DDV € 32,94
            • Accessories
              Crocodile clips 0590 0009
              Crocodile clips, 1 set, 10 A, CAT IV 600 V / CAT III 1000 V
                Številka izdelka:
                0590 0009
                € 27,00z DDV € 32,94
              • Transport and Protection

              • Transport and Protection
                Transport bag 0590 0017
                Transport bag, dimensions: 270 x 150 x 75 mm
                  Številka izdelka:
                  0590 0017
                  € 34,00z DDV € 41,48
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