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    Safe food all the way.

    Measurement technology for the cold chain. Fast, easy & HACCP compliant.

    Safe food along the cold chain


    Transporting fresh food countless kilometers while maintaining the cold chain without interruption is a challenge not only for logistics companies. It's a good thing that there are special transport data loggers that accompany fresh produce and particularly sensitive frozen products on their journeys, and record the temperatures 24/7.

    You can find the right measuring instruments for transportation here.

    testo 184 T1 temperature data logger for transport monitoring
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    Incoming goods

    In incoming goods, the goods must be checked for quality and completeness. With random sample measurement or control of the core temperature, you ensure that only flawless goods are transferred to your responsibility.

    You can find the right measuring instruments for Incoming Goods here.

    testo 104 IR food safety thermometer for incoming goods inspection
    Product selection


    Fresh food can be stored today without any problems. Provided that the prescribed temperature limits are consistently observed. Data loggers are ideal for this step of the food process chain. These measuring solutions reliably record temperature and/or humidity values in storerooms and refrigerated cabinets independently.

    You can find the right measuring instruments for storage here.

    Product selection


    Proper heating and temperature of food products is another critical point on the way to a safe end product. The appropriate measurement method for this is the measurement of the core temperature.

    You can find the right measuring instruments for food production here.

    testo 108 temperature measuring instrument for penetration measurements during food preparation
    Product selection

    Measuring instruments for the cold chain

    Measuring instruments for pH and TPM

    In addition to temperature and humidity, pH (for example in food production) and TPM (to determine the quality of frying oil) are also important measurement parameters.

    You can find the right measuring instruments here.

    testo 270 cooking oil tester

    testo 270 cooking oil tester

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    Cooking oil tester testo 270

    Ideal for quality assurance in frying operations. You maintain critical TPM limits and can change the oil at the right time.

    testo 270 cooking oil tester

    pH measuring instruments

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    pH meters

    Ideal for measuring the pH value in semi-solid, viscoplastic and liquid media or foodstuffs.

    More measurement technology and know-how

    In order to ensure the quality and safety of food at all times, other measuring devices or complete solutions are recommended depending on the area of application.

    Discover the world of Testo measurement technology and comprehensive know-how about food safety here.

    Areas of application

    From temperature measurement to food inspections: At Testo, you will also find the right measurement technology for special food applications.

    testo 270 cooking oil tester

    Pocket Guide

    Go to the download

    Pocket Guide Food Safety

    On 60 pages, many tips on temperature limits, HACCP and the use of food measuring instruments await you.

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