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    testo 380 - Particulate matter measurement system

    Productnr. 0632 3801
    testo 380 Feinstaub-Messsystem
    testo 380 - Feinstaub-Sonde
    testo 380
    testo 380
    Uw voordelen
  1. The system comprises testo 380 particulate matter measuring instrument and testo 330-2 LL flue gas analyzer
  2. Complete solution for solid fuel, oil and gas systems 
  3. Fully TÜV-tested for limit value levels 1/2 and according to VDI 4206 Sheet 2
  4. Particulate matter measurement, simultaneous O2 and CO measurement
  5. With the testo 380 particulate matter measurement system, you can carry out uncomplicated particulate matter measurements directly on site. The completely new method of measurement developed by Testo enables the particulate matter to be monitored and limit values to be enforced. The measurement system is your professional tool for solid fuel, oil and gas systems.


    The constantly rising number of solid fuel systems is leading to a further increase in the emission of particulate matter. The revised version of the 1st German Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) presents new challenges for flue gas inspectors, heating engineers and service engineers when it comes to particulate matter measurement.

    testo 380 particulate matter measurement system – complete solution for solid fuel, oil and gas systems

    The testo 380 particulate matter measurement system comprises two system components: the testo 380 particulate matter measuring instrument including particulate matter probe and the testo 330-2 LL as a control centre and flue gas analyzer. This complete system is extremely compact, easy to use and ensures accurate measurements on solid fuel, oil and gas systems.

    Advantages of the testo 380 particulate matter measurement system for particulate matter measurement

    • Suitability permit received for fuels 1-8, levels 1 and 2
    • Measurement system comprising testo 380 particulate matter measuring instrument and testo 330 LL flue gas analyzer
    • The testo 380 particulate matter measuring instrument allows you to carry out effortless and straightforward measurements directly on site
    • testo 330 LL flue gas analyzer: System control centre and flue gas analyzer
    • Parallel measurement of particle matter, O2 and CO in real time
    • Charts used to show all required measuring values for an optimum overview
    • Particularly cost-effective operation and maintenance
    • Effortless handling and easy transportation
    • Fully TÜV-tested for limit value levels 1 and 2 and according to VDI 4206 Sheet 2
    • High-tech in a portable case: measurement of all relevant values with just one probe


    testo 380 particulate matter measurement system incl. testo 380 particulate matter measuring instrument with particulate matter probe and cleaning set, testo 330-2 LL flue gas analyzer with mains unit (incl. Bluetooth, H2-compensated CO cell), modular flue gas probe (length 300 mm, Ø 8 mm), combustion air temperature probe (length 190 mm).


    Technische gegevens

    Algemene technische gegevens

    7900 g
    0 tot 300 mg/m³
    acc. VDI 4206-2
    0,1 mg/m³ (>5mg/m³)
    475 x 360 x 190 mm
    +5 tot +40 °C
    kunststof (ABS)
    display type
    display functies
    shows warm-up phase and operational readiness
    via internal mains unit: 100 V AC/0.45 A to 240 V AC/0.2 A (50 to 60 Hz)
    500.000 readings
    -20 tot +50 °C



  6. Accessoires
    Connection cable
    USB connectie kabel, instrument-PC
      0449 0047
      € 27,80met BTW € 33,64
    • Accessoires
      testo-Schnelldrucker IRDA mit kabelloser Infrarot-Schnittstelle
      Snelle Testo printer met draadloze infraroodinterface, 1 rol thermisch papier en 4 mignon batterijen
        0554 0549
        € 261,00met BTW € 315,81
      • Accessoires
        Spare thermal paper
        Reserve thermisch papier voor de printer (6 rollen)
          0554 0568
          € 29,00met BTW € 35,09
        • Toepassingen

          Testo 380 is de ideale analyser voor fijnstofmetingen.

          De testo 380, de fijnstofmeter, begeleidt u bij de meting, analyseert de relevante parameters, meet teglijkertijd O2 en CO en geeft deze waarden weer in een diagram. De testo 380 is de ideale partner bij een fijnstofmeting.

          Met de testo 380 kunnen de metingen om te voldoen aan de wettelijke richtlijnen en voorschriften uitgevoerd worden. Dankzij het intuïtieve menu kunnen geen stappen in het meetproces vergeten worden. De trekmeting is bv. reeds geïntegreerd in het meetproces.

          Het is belangrijk om verwarmingsinstallaties die werken op vaste brandstoffen af te regelen zodat ze efficiënt werken en voldoen aan de wettelijke grenswaarden. Het meetprogramma “ setting assistant” is een uitstekend hulpmiddel: het begeleidt je door alle meetprocedures. De testo 380 kan zelfs meerdere meetcycli op rij uitvoeren zonder enige moeite.





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