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    testo 875-2i - Thermal imager (160 x 120 pixels, manual focus, speech recording)

    0563 0875 V2
  1. Very good image quality: IR resolution 160 × 120 pixels, with SuperResolution Technology 320 × 240 pixels
  2. Thermal sensitivity < 50 mK, high-quality 32° × 23° lens, automatic hot/cold spot detection and optional temperature measurement up to +550 °C
  3. Including a built-in digital camera and voice recording via a headset
  4. Building thermography: Direct display of the risk of mould via traffic light colours
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    We developed the testo 875-2i infrared camera with built-in digital camera to make your work in industrial and building thermography even easier, quicker and more efficient!
    You can carry out completely non-destructive tests on materials and components in industrial thermography with the testo 875-2i. The high temperature option extends the measuring range from +350 °C to +550 °C. Using the built-in digital camera, you can create a real image in parallel to the thermal image. So as to make the documentation and assignment of real and thermal images even easier for you, the testo 875-2i infrared camera is also equipped with voice recording. This means you can save comments to go with your images using the headset.
    In building thermography you can efficiently detect possible structural defects and places with a risk of mould with the testo 875-2i infrared camera. Traffic light colours in the display (red, yellow and green) directly indicate to you critical places with a risk of mould.

    The testo 875-2i infrared camera’s technical features

    The testo 875-2i infrared camera is not only characterised by its intuitive operation. It also simplifies professional industrial and building thermography and has the following impressive features:
    • Built-in digital camera with power LEDs: Recording real images in parallel to each infrared image makes documentation and assignment easier. The built-in power LEDs guarantee optimum illumination of dark areas
    • Voice recording included: You can save comments to go with your images using the headset
    • Resolution and image quality: Detector size 160 × 120 pixels = 19 200 temperature measuring points. SuperResolution Technology enables you to take image quality right up to the next level of 320 × 240 pixels in next to no time. Four times as many readings and a geometric resolution that has been improved by a factor of 1.6 mean you get even more detail and even greater reliability with thermographic measurements
    • Thermal sensitivity < 50 mK: Thanks to a temperature resolution of < 50 mK, even the smallest temperature differences can be seen
    • High-quality 32° × 23° lens: The lens with its manual focusing enables a wide field of view and an ideal overview of the temperature distribution, along with precise focusing on the object being measured
    • 9° × 7° telephoto lens: Record very distant objects precisely with the exchangeable 9° × 7° telephoto lens (optional)
    • Automatic hot/cold spot detection: Critical temperature conditions are directly displayed during thermography
    • Special measuring mode for detecting areas with a risk of mould for building thermography: The dew point in the room is calculated by manual entry of the ambient temperature and humidity. The surface temperature value measured by the infrared camera is then compared to the dew point. The display now shows the risk of mould in traffic light colours (red, yellow and green). It is easier with the radio humidity probe: Automatic transmission of readings means that manual input of humidity and ambient temperature is no longer needed
    • Solar mode: The solar radiation value can be input into the infrared camera and stored with each infrared image
    • Pro software for image evaluation on the PC included. You can also choose to save the infrared images as JPEGs. Find out more about the software
    • Standard measuring range from -30 to +350 °C. The high temperature option enables flexible extension of the measuring range for industrial thermography up to +550 °C

    The testo 875-2i infrared camera with SuperResolution and digital camera is supplied together with the following accessories:
    • Robust case
    • Pro software IRSoft (free download)
    • Soft case
    • Carrying strap for the infrared camera
    • SD memory card
    • USB cable for data transfer to PC
    • Lens cleaning cloth
    • Mains unit
    •  Li-ion battery
    • Adapter for tripod mounting
    • Headset for voice recording

    In the event of retrofitting, please contact our customer service for the following options:
    • 9° × 7° telephoto lens (order code: A1)
    • High temperature measurement up to 550 °C (order code: G1)
    • Humidity measurement with radio humidity probe (order code: B1)

    Ambient Condition

    Storage temperature
    −30 °C; 60 °C
    Operating temperature
    −15 °C; 40 °C
    Air humidity
    20 to 80 %RH non-condensing
    Housing protection class

    Image output visual

    Image size
    640 x 480 pixels
    Minimum focus distance
    0.4 m

    Image presentation

    Display type
    3.5" LCD with 320 x 240 pixels
    Display option
    IR image only; real image only; IR image / real image
    Number of colours
    10 (iron, rainbow, rainbow HC, cold-hot, blue-red, grey, inverted grey, sepia, Testo, iron HT)
    Video output
    USB 2.0

    Guaranteeing power generation

    Energy is an important commodity that must always be available in sufficient quantities. For this reason, power stations and utility companies ensure that no interruptions occur, from power generation through to distribution. Testo thermal imagers support the preventive maintenance of electrical and mechanical components. This means developing damage is identified early.


    Checking as part of mechanical maintenance

    Signs of wear in machinery often become apparent long before a malfunction, due to an increase in temperature. Possible causes are friction, incorrect adjustment, tolerances of mechanical components or a lack of lubricant. With a thermal imager, any suspicious changes can be spotted immediately. The main advantage of using thermography in a maintenance operation: it is non-contact and can therefore be carried out on all mechanical installations during operation and from a safe distance.

    Typical applications for the thermal imager:

    • Checking engines
    • Checking bearings
    • Checking shafts


    Checking as part of electrical maintenance

    In electrical installations or cables, increased temperatures are always an indication of an overload, an imminent malfunction or an existing defect. Testo thermal imagers facilitate evaluation of the heat status of low, medium and high-voltage systems. Thermographic images lead to the early detection of defective components or connections, so that the necessary preventive measures can be introduced in a targeted way. Thermography therefore minimizes dangerous fire risks and prevents costly production downtimes.

    Typical applications for the thermal imager:

    • Checking switch cabinets
    • Checking electrical connections
    • Monitoring and checking photovoltaic systems
    • Checking as part of mechanical maintenance


    Detecting structural defects and ensuring construction quality

    Analysis with a Testo thermal imager is a fast and efficient method of detecting possible structural defects. Furthermore, Testo thermal imagers are ideal for providing proof of the quality and the correct implementation of construction measures. Any heat losses, humidity and areas of air permeability in a building are visible in the thermal image. The testo 870 thermal imager makes it possible to detect faulty thermal insulation and structural damage – all using a non-contact method!

    Typical applications for the thermal imager:

    • Checking the air tightness of windows and doors
    • Finding insulation defects and thermal bridges in the building shell
    • Detecting areas that are prone to mould


    More reliability in quality assurance and production monitoring

    Testo thermal imagers ensure precise situation analyses, thus supporting process control and product quality assurance. In addition to foreign bodies in production processes, anomalies in the heat distribution of components are also detected quickly at a glance and without contact.


    Hot on the trail of a ruptured pipe

    If a pipe rupture is suspected, the only solution left is often to break open entire wall or flooring areas. With Testo thermal imagers, you can minimise the damage and reduce the cost of your work. Leakages in underfloor heating and other inaccessible pipes are located precisely and without damage. This avoids opening walls unnecessarily and considerably reduces the repair costs.


    Locating leaks in flat roofs

    Damp areas in the roof structure, in particular in flat roofs, store the warmth from the sun for longer than intact areas. This means the roof structure cools unevenly in the evenings. Testo thermal imagers use these temperature differences to pinpoint the exact roof areas with trapped moisture or damaged insulation.


    Easy monitoring of heating and installation systems

    Testo thermal imagers are easy and intuitive to operate, so they are ideal for quickly and reliably checking heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. A quick glance with the thermal imager is enough to discover irregularities in the temperature distribution. Thus, thermography can be used to easily locate clogged radiators and leaks.

    Typical applications for the thermal imager:


    • Pinpointing the course of heating loops in an underfloor heating system
    • Checking radiators for the build-up of deposits
    • Measuring the supply and return temperature
    • Locating leaks



    Preprečevanje ustvarjanja plesni

    • Hitro in enostavno lokalizirajte območja, ki jim grozi nastanek plesni: območja so prikazana v rdeči barvi na zaslonu kamere, ko je kamera v načinu delovanja za merjenje vlažnosti
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    Enostavno preverjanje ogrevalnih sistemov in napeljav

    • preverjanje ogrevalnih in klimatskih prezračevalnih sistemov: Uporabite termično kamero za hitro in enostavno prepoznavanje nepravilnosti v razporeditvi temperature
    • Lociranje poteka ogrevalnih zank v sistemih talnega gretja
    • Preverjanje grelnikov Testo za usedanje
    • Merenje temperatur dovoda in povratka
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    Lociranje poka cevi

    • Zanesljivo določanje pretrganja cevi s pomočjo termovizijske kamere - brez nepotrebnega odpiranja sten in tal
    • Natančna lokalizacija puščanj v talnem ogrevanju in drugih nedostopnih cevovodih
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    Lociranje puščanj na ravnih strehah

    • Zaznavanje vlage v strehah: Na osnovi temperaturnih razlik (kot se pojavljajo predvsem pri ravnih strehah) termovizijske kamere prikažejo območja na strehi, kjer se je zadržala vlaga ali poškodovana izolacija
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    Večja zanesljivost pri zagotavljanju kakovosti in spremljanju proizvodnje

    • Testo termovizijska kamera podpira procesni nadzor in zagotavljanje kakovosti izdelka
    • Hitro in brezkontaktno prepoznavanje tujkov v proizvodnih procesih ter anomalij v razporeditvi toplote komponent
    • Hiter in enostaven nadzor nivoja polnjenja v zaprtih tekočinskih rezervoarjih
    testo 8xx application