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    testo 883-2 - Thermal imager (320 x 240 pixels) with 42° lens and accessories

    Izdelek št. 0560 8836
    testo 883 thermal imager
    testo 883 thermal imager
    testo 883 thermal imager
    testo 883 thermal imager
    testo 883 thermal imager
    testo 883 thermal imager
    testo 883 thermal imager
    € 4.133,00z DDV € 5.042,26
    Vaše prednosti
  1. Image IR ločljivost 320 x 240 slikovnih točk (s Testovo SuperResolution tehnologijo 640 x 480 slikovnih točk)
  2. Toplotna občutljivost <0.04 °C
  3. Popoln nadzor: Ročna ostritev, širokokotni objektiv in zamenljiv telefoto objektiv (opcijsko)
  4. Brezplačna analitična programska oprema za ustvarjanje profesionalnih poročil
  5. Aplikacija za analizo in ustvarjanje poročil o merjenju na kraju samem
  6. Designed for building energy consultants: The thermal imager testo 883-2 is the reliable partner when carrying out the search for thermal anomalies. Thanks to the best thermal image quality, free analysis and reporting software, and wide-angle lens, you can recommend specific optimization measures and save time in the process.
    • not available

      Najboljša kakovost slike IR ločljivost 320 x 240 slikovnih točk (s SuperResolution 640 x 480 slikovnih točk)


    Best image quality, professional image analysis, easy creation of professional reports and the wide-angle lens make the thermal imager testo 883-2 the perfect partner for building energy consultants.

    All the important information about the thermal imager testo 883-2

    • IR resolution of 320 x 240 pixels (with SuperResolution 640 x 480 pixels), manual focus and a very good NETD of 40 mK all ensure the best image quality – so you can reliably detect thermal abnormalities in installations and buildings
    • testo IRSoft: Analyze thermal images comprehensively with the intuitive, professional PC software and create impressive reports within a short period of time
    • testo ScaleAssist: Automatic contrast adjustment for objectively comparable thermal images and easier detection of weak spots
    • testo Thermography App: With the App, your smartphone/tablet becomes a second display and a remote control for your thermal imager. You can quickly create, send or save reports on site
    • Wide-angle lens for wider field of view in confined spaces
    • Interchangeable telephoto lens for far distant objects and outdoor recording
    • Manual focus for sharp thermal images from a distance of 10 cm
    • Can be operated via touchscreen and joystick
    • Wireless transmission of readings from clamp meter or humidity probe directly into the thermal image via Bluetooth®
    Further benefits for building energy consultants
    • Produce a professional report quickly and easily: The report wizard guides you step by step through the report creation process using stored standard templates. Or you can use the report designer to create customized templates
    • Clever: The humidity mode visualizes the risk of mould at thermal weak spots directly in the thermal image using traffic light colours (red, yellow, green)
    • Smart: Thermography and live streaming – with the testo Thermography App, your customer can conveniently follow the measurement on a smartphone/tablet
    • Networked: Wireless transmission of readings from the optional humidity probe live in humidity mode – your values are always up to date, e.g. when you change rooms
    • Flexible: Wide-angle, interchangeable telephoto lenses and manual focus for sharper images and more accurate results from different distances

    Obseg dobave

    • Thermal imager testo 883-2 with wide-angle lens 42° x 32°
    • Robust case
    • Professional software IRSoft (free download)
    • USB-C cable
    • USB mains unit
    • Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
    • Carrying strap for the thermal imager
    • Bluetooth® headset (country dependent)
    • Short manual
    • Calibration protocol

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        RED: 2014/53/EU; EMC: 2014/30/EU; WEEE: 2012/19/EU; RoHS: 2011/65/EU + 2015/863; REACH: 1907/2006

        General technical data

        Product colour
        Display ligthing
        bright / normal / dark
        Display type
        capacitive touch display

        Infrared image output

        Field of view
        42° x 32° (wideangle lens), 12° x 9° (telephoto lens, optional)
        Minimum focus distance
        0.1 m (wideangle lens); 0.5 (telephoto lens)
        Geometric resolution (IFOV)
        2.3 mrad (wideangle lens), 0.7 mrad (telephoto lens)
        Image refresh rate
        27 Hz
        Infrared resolution
        320 x 240 pixel
        SuperResolution (IFOV)
        1.4 mrad (wideangle lens), 0.4 mrad (Telephoto lens)
        SuperResolution (Pixel)
        640 x 480 pixels
        Thermal sensitivity
        ˂ 40 mK
        Spectral range
        7,5 to 14 µm
        * Inside the EU, outside 9 Hz



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          0563 8836
          € 5.312,00z DDV € 6.480,64
        • Sets
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            Številka izdelka:
            0563 8830
            € 5.312,00z DDV € 6.480,64
          • Sets
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              0590 7703 03
            • Dodatki


            • Accessories
              Spare rechargeable battery for thermal imager
              Spare rechargeable battery for thermal imager
                Številka izdelka:
                0554 8831
                € 116,00z DDV € 141,52
              • Accessories
                Battery-charging station
                Optimizirajte čas polnjenja baterije svojega instrumenta s polnilno postajo za polnilne baterije.
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                  0554 8801
                  € 243,00z DDV € 296,46
                • Accessories
                  Special Germanium protective glass
                  Special Germanium protective glass for thermal imager
                    Številka izdelka:
                    0554 8805
                    € 302,00z DDV € 368,44
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                      € 4.133,00z DDV € 5.042,26
                    • Certificates


                      Odkrijte strukturne pomanjkljivosti in zaščitite kakovost gradnje

                      • Odkrijte možne gradbene napake, dokazujte kakovost in izvedbo gradbenih ukrepov brez stika - s pomočjo termalnih slik
                      • Preizkusite zrakotesnost oken in vrat
                      • Locirajte napake pri izolaciji in hladne mostove v ovoju stavbe
                      • Zaznajte in vizualizirajte območja s tveganjem za plesen

                      Profesionalno energetsko svetovanje

                      • Analizirajte ovoje stavb, ocenite energetsko učinkovitost, prepoznajte potencial za varčevanje z energijo s termo kamero podjetja Testo
                      • Enostavno beleženje in dokumentiranje izgub energije na stavbah
                      • Brez stika dokažite pomanjkljivo izolacijo in toplotne mostove ter jih vizualizirajte v infrardeči sliki
                      • Hitro in enostavno locirajte netesne točke v novih stavbah v kombinaciji z Blower Door sistemom

                      Preprečevanje ustvarjanja plesni

                      • Hitro in enostavno lokalizirajte območja, ki jim grozi nastanek plesni: območja so prikazana v rdeči barvi na zaslonu kamere, ko je kamera v načinu delovanja za merjenje vlažnosti

                      Enostavno preverjanje ogrevalnih sistemov in napeljav

                      • preverjanje ogrevalnih in klimatskih prezračevalnih sistemov: Uporabite termično kamero za hitro in enostavno prepoznavanje nepravilnosti v razporeditvi temperature
                      • Lociranje poteka ogrevalnih zank v sistemih talnega gretja
                      • Preverjanje grelnikov Testo za usedanje
                      • Merenje temperatur dovoda in povratka

                      Lociranje poka cevi

                      • Zanesljivo določanje pretrganja cevi s pomočjo termovizijske kamere - brez nepotrebnega odpiranja sten in tal
                      • Natančna lokalizacija puščanj v talnem ogrevanju in drugih nedostopnih cevovodih

                      Lociranje puščanj na ravnih strehah

                      • Zaznavanje vlage v strehah: Na osnovi temperaturnih razlik (kot se pojavljajo predvsem pri ravnih strehah) termovizijske kamere prikažejo območja na strehi, kjer se je zadržala vlaga ali poškodovana izolacija

                      Večja zanesljivost pri zagotavljanju kakovosti in spremljanju proizvodnje

                      • Testo termovizijska kamera podpira procesni nadzor in zagotavljanje kakovosti izdelka
                      • Hitro in brezkontaktno prepoznavanje tujkov v proizvodnih procesih ter anomalij v razporeditvi toplote komponent
                      • Hiter in enostaven nadzor nivoja polnjenja v zaprtih tekočinskih rezervoarjih


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