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    Moisture meter

    Moisture meters are indispensable when it comes to determining moisture in buildings and timber, as well as discovering the cause of moisture damage. Moisture measurement is quick and easy to do nowadays, even for inexperienced users. A wide range of instuments and humidity probes enable non-destructive measurement in virtually all common materials and timber.

    Testo Moisture Meters

    What you should keep in mind for moisture measurement

    Testo Moisture Meter are simple to operate. Nevertheless, you should adhere to a few rules to ensure you take advantage of the maximum performance from your meter:

    • You should not let your body heat or breath reach the probe.

    • Gentle movement helps the probe adjust to the right temperature.

    • Always measure relative humidity in the middle of the room at a height of around 3.5 feet On the other hand, the absolute humidity in a room does not depend on the location.

    Moisture meters from Testo

    Incredible humidity sensor technology

    Where do you want to measure moisture? Measuring instruments for all environments

    Professional quality material moisture meter –
    easy enough for novices

    With a Testo material moisture meter, you are ready to measure for every aspect involving moisture. Your advantages:

    • High-precision sensor technology for high-precision measurement of wood/material moisture.

    • Handy moisture meter for fast and easy operation.

    • All the important material characteristics for wood types and building materials are stored.

    • Clear, illuminated displays make handling easier.

    • Large selection of different models and humidity probes – the perfect instrument for every application.

    • The best thing is: cutting-edge performance at a persuasive price.


    Avoid moisture damage:
    professional tips for moisture measurement

    There can be several causes for moisture in buildings or timber. The most common of these are rainwater ingress, incorrectly installed drainage, pipe ruptures, or incorrectly stored wood which has been processed with the wrong moisture for installation. A Testo Moisture Meter enables you to determine the moisture level quickly and easily. It works even better if you bear in mind the following tips:

    Moisture measurement

    Measuring moisture is not everything

    Discover more Testo measuring instruments

    Moisture meter