The digital probes make it possible to carry out high-precision measurements even in a regulated environment.
It is not necessary to interrupt the measurement to calibrate the probes – they are replaced during operation. There is no need to remove the data loggers and there are no gaps in the measured values.
The digital probes can be used with the testo 150 TUC4 data logger module and benefit from the versatility of the testo Saveris 1 environmental monitoring system: use either different communication infrastructures such as WLAN or Ethernet, or the state-of-the-art testo UltraRange radio technology for unparalleled, secure and efficient long-range communication in a proprietary network.
System accuracy
±0.4 °C at +25 °C
±1.0 %RH at 0 to 90 %RH at +25 °C
± 0.03 %RH/K (k=1)
±1.0 %RH hysteresis
±1.0 %RH/year drift