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    testo 6742 - Dauwpunt transmitter

    Productnr. 0555 6742
    Dewpoint transmitter without display
    € 961,00met BTW € 1.162,81
    Uw voordelen
  1. Dauwpunt transmitter met een meetbereik van -45 °Ctd tot + 30 °Ctd en  NTP½ draad
  2. Testo polymeer vochtsensor met een hoge nauwkeurigheid en lange termijn stabiliteit 
  3. Instelbare analoog uitgang(4 tot 20 mA) en optionele alarm plug met 2 geïntegreerde schakeluitgangen
  4. Overal waar perslucht in de industrie gebruikt wordt, kan de testo 6742 dauwpuntmeter u helpen om restvocht te controleren en zo schade te voorkomen.


    Air, compressed air and gases are used in all areas of industry. Humidity and moisture are generally undesirable because they can cause damage or impair the quality of the end product. The use of measuring and control technology is recommended in order to monitor humidity in the network and prevent damage.

    Our testo 6742 dew point transmitter was designed specifically for measuring trace humidity in compressed air or dry air. It boasts a polymer humidity sensor which features a high degree of accuracy and long-term stability.

    Technical advantages offered by the testo 6742 dew point transmitter

    • High accuracy: the testo 6742 dew point transmitter uses the Testo polymer sensor to measure humidity with a high degree of precision – up to ±1 K at 0 °Ctd (+32 °Ftd)
    • Scalable analog output: the dew point transmitter converts the measured values into a standardized electrical signal, whereby the analog output can be scaled as required (4 to 20 mA)
    • Alarm plug with 2 integrated switching outputs (optional): use the switching contact plug for MAX monitoring
    • Practical format: the testo 6742 dew point transmitter features a compact and user-friendly design (e.g. with a housing that can be rotated by 350°)

    Use the dew point transmitter to prevent damage (e.g. in refrigeration dryers or membrane dryers). This can save you a considerable amount of money, because if the quality of the end product is impaired in any way, it can prove costly. The cost of running adsorption dryers can also be reduced: accurate humidity-controlled chamber activation precisely adjusts the use of regenerated air to meet requirements – not at a preset time increment, which often creates unnecessary, excess consumption of regenerated air.


    testo 6742 dew point transmitter to -45 °Ctd with polymer humidity sensor, without display, with process connection NTP½ thread, analog output 4 to 20 mA and optional alarm plug with 2 switching outputs. 




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