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    Sonda IAQ do pomiaru CO², temperatury, wilgotności, ciśnieni...

    0632 1543
    IAQ-Sonde zur Beurteilung der Raumluftqualität
  1. 4 functions in one probe: measurement of CO2, humidity, temperature and absolute pressure
  2. Rapid checking of the indoor climate
  3. Prevention of poor air quality in indoor rooms via CO2 measurement
  4. Intelligent calibration concept
  5. Produkt nie jest już dostępny. Czy znają Państwo już kolejny model?
    Warto skorzystać z jego zalet:
    >> Do produktu(wersja przewodowa)
    >> Do produktu (wersja bezprzewodowa, z funkcją Bluetooth)
    Prosimy pamiętać, że kolejne modele są kompatybilne wyłącznie z testo 400 lub testo 440.
    Use the probe to quickly check the indoor climate, for example in offices, production areas or in warehouses. As well as temperature, humidity and absolute pressure, it also measures the carbon dioxide concentration (CO2).

    The CO2 concentration is a primary indicator of indoor air quality. Poor air quality due to excessive concentrations of CO2 can cause tiredness, lack of concentration and even illness. Therefore the CO2 concentration should normally not exceed 1000 ppm.

    Intelligent calibration concept

    The probe offers maximum digital measurement reliability. The digital probe allows readings to be processed directly in the probe. This technology eliminates instrument measurement uncertainty. The probe can be returned on its own (without the measuring instrument) for calibration. Calculating the determined calibration data in the probe generates a zero-error display. 

    Indoor air quality probe including desktop tripod.
    Note: you need a plug-in head cable (0430 0100) for this probe.

    Pomiar temperatury - NTC

    Zakres pomiarowy
    0 do +50 °C
    ±0,5 °C
    0,1 °C

    Wilgotność - czujnik pojemnościowy

    Zakres pomiarowy
    0 do +100 %RH
    ±(1,8 %RH + 0,7 % mierz.wart.)
    0,1 %RH

    Ciśnienie absolutne

    Zakres pomiarowy
    +700 do +1100 hPa
    ±3,0 hPa
    0,1 hPa
