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    testo 570 专业级电子冷媒表组套装 - 外接探头

    0563 5702
    testo 570 digital manifold
    testo 570-2 kit delivery
  1. 仪器内置 40 种常用制冷剂
  2. 同时计算过热/过冷值
  3. 连续记录监测数据,并可通过电脑进行数据分析
  4. 可测量压力、温度、电流和真空度
  5. testo 570 专业级电子冷媒表组套装一台仪器可测量、记录并分析压力,温度,电流和真空度,整合所有老旧工具以及测量仪器的功能并将其电子化及简化。
    testo 570 专业级电子冷媒表组套装不仅减轻您的思想负担,同时减轻您实际工作负担。那是因为专业级电子冷媒表组套装,取代一系列老式工具以及测量仪器,是您在进行热泵和制冷系统维护检修工作时的理想选择。


    连续记录999小时数据的内存,测量数据结果保存结构清晰,易于整理归档实时显示测量数据并进行图形编辑,testo EasyKool 专业电脑操作软件,数据显示形式清晰易懂,可帮助您更快速的检测,判断出系统故障。仪器内置常用的40种制冷剂特性参数,使用电脑软件即可免费下载更多制冷剂。
    testo 570 专业级电子冷媒表组套装,带2个温度补偿的压力传感器,快速可靠的进行高压及低压测量,可同时连接3个温度探头,实时计算过热/过冷值,并且可测量周围环境温度,如冷藏室。


    仪器外壳坚固有效的保护 testo 570 专业级电子冷媒表组套装不受到意外性外部撞击,自带挂钩可确保在测量过程中仪器始终处于安全的位置。超大背光显示屏确保您在照明条件不足的情况下也可清晰读取数据。

    • testo 570 专业级电子冷媒表组套装
    • 包括主机,4通阀组,内部数据存储器
    • 集成真空测量探头,3个温度探头连接,2个钳形探头
    • testo EasyKool 专业电脑操作软件(用户可下载)
    • USB数据线,仪器箱
    • 电源适配器,电池以及出厂报告


    -50 ~ +150 °C
    ±0.5 °C (±1 Digit)
    0.1 °C
    3 x 连接 (NTC)


    50 bar
    ±0.5 % 全量程 (±1 Digit)
    0.01 bar / 0.1 psi
    3 x 7/16" – UNF + 1 x 5/8'' – UNF
    超载 相对压力(低压)
    52 bar
    超载 相对压力(高压)
    52 bar
    低压 相对压力
    50 bar
    高压 相对压力
    50 bar


    -1 ~ 0 bar
    1 % 全量程
    1 hPa / 1 mbar / 500 micron






    在使用testo 570测量更复杂系统时,可以借助电脑和EasyKool软件直接显示测量值。通过联机测量功能,可以快速找到故障原因并予以纠正。


    Testo目前为数字歧管仪提供了80多种制冷剂。借助testo 570,您可以自己通过EasyKool软件快速导入最新的制冷剂信息。


    testo 570可连接3个温度探头,自动计算系统的过热和过冷,这三个探头可以同时连接。也可以使用第三个可连接探头来测量环境温度或烟气温度。


    testo 570可以对系统进行带温度补偿的泄露测试,从而完成气密测试。为此,会将开始测量时的系统压力与结束时的压力进行比较,并直接显示可能出现的任何差异。

    • (1) This is a demo version which will run 30 days on your computer. Within that time the software can be upgraded with a licence key to a full version.(2) The software runs with operating systems Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. (3) The software needs the > Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0. It has to be installed first if it is not already installed on your computer. The installation package can be downloaded from the Microsoft webpage.(4) This software supports the analyzers testo 556, testo 560 and testo 570(5) For your own security we recommend a backup of your data before running an update.
    • Download of refrigerants for the refigeration system analyzers testo 556, testo 560 and testo 570 ATTENTION: Refrigerants R717 & R723 (R717.FLA & R723.FLA) are containing ammonia can only be used with stainless steel Refrigeration Systems Analyzers.
      Please be aware of maximum pressure ratings when using all refrigerants, especially R-744 (CO2). Note: The ZIP file will be automatically unpacked by the ",EasyKool", software. The ZIP-file contains the following refrigerants (status 07/2019) R11, R12, R114, R1150, R123, R1234yf, R124, R125, R13, R13B1, R1233zd, R1234ze, R1270, R134a, R14, R142B, R152a, R161, R170, R22, R227, R23, R236fa, R245fa, R290, R32, R41 R401A, R401B, R401C, R402A, R402B, R403B, R404A, R406A, R407A, R407B, R407C, R407D, R407F, R407H, R408A, R409A, R410A, R411A, R412A, R413A, R414B, R416A, R417A, R420A, R421A, R421B, R422A, R422B, R422C, R422D, R424A, R426A, R427A, R434A, R437A, R438A, R442A, R444B, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R452B, R453a, R454A, R454B, R454C, R455A, R458A,R466A, R469A, R417C, R500, R502, R503, R507, R508A, R508B, R513A, R600, R600a, SP22, RIS89, FX80, I12A, R744, R458A, R718 (H2O), R744 (CO2) Some refrigerants cannot be displayed with the ASHRAE-conform (Rxyz) nomenclature in the digital manifolds.
      Therefore Testo-nomenclatures (Txy) are being used. Overview of which Testo-nomenclature (Txy) is used in which digital manifold: Refrigerant R1270, T-number T1, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R407D, T-number T2, Use of T-number in products testo 523Refrigerant R422D, T-number T3, Use of T-number in products testo 523Refrigerant I12A, T-number T4, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R1150, T-number T5, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant RIS89, T-number T6, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant FX80, T-number T7, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R1234yf, T-number T8, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R13B1, T-number T9, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R1234ze, T-number T10, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R407F, T-number T11, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557, Use of T-number in products testo 523, 550, 557Refrigerant R1234ze(E), T-number T15.
    • USB driver for the following devices with USB port: * USB Interface testo 174 / 177 - T + H * testo 300 / 320 / 330 / 330i / 335 / 340 / 350 * testo 435 * testo 556 / 560 / 570 / 580 * testo 635 * testo 735 * testo 845