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    (1) お客様からご提供いただく情報 当社サービスを利用するために、または当社サービスの利用を通じてユーザーからご提供いただく情報は以下のとおりです。











    ・ 当社製品に対する問い合わせに対する回答(見積・納期連絡を含む)

    ・ デモ機貸出の依頼に関する貸出から返却までの業務

    ・ 故障や不良に関する回答の連絡

    ・ 修理・校正を目的としたサービス業務



    ・ 対面営業、電話、Eメール等による営業活動

    ・ 電子メール、ダイレクト・メール、ファクシミリ等による当社製品・サービスの紹介、セミナーやイベントの案内、そのほか各種情報提供

    ・ 当社のマーケティング分析



    ・ 当社営業担当者との面談(電話による営業活動を含む)時、個人情報をご提供いただく場合

    ・ 各種イベント、フェア、セミナー等において名刺交換する場合

    ・ 個人情報取得の状況から、当社製品やサービスの利用や取引の検討を前提としていることが明らかな場合





    1) 法令の規定に基づき、保存しなければならないとき。

    2) 本人の同意があるとき。










    1) 法令に基づく場合

    2) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき

    3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき

    4) 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令に定める事務をすることに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき




    個人情報は当社の本社(ドイツ、Testo SE & Co. KGaA)と共同して利用することがあります。





     Testo SE&Co.KGaA(ドイツ)

    3)利用する者の利用目的Testo SE & Co. KGaAで使用されている業務システムによるマーケティングデータの分析




     横浜市港北区新横浜2-2-15 パレアナビル7階

     代表者:齋藤 昌樹

    注) テストークラウドへのアクセスが必要な製品の場合、入力された個人情報は、Testo SE & Co. KGaAのプライバシーポリシーに従って管理されます。










    ・窓口: 株式会社テストー 管理部法務担当   

    ・連絡先: 045-476-2544(代表) 

    ・受付時間: 当社営業時間内

















    代表取締役 齋藤 昌樹





    2.8.1 製品登録の対象

    Testoは、一部の国および一部の製品 に対し、次のタイプの製品登録を提供しています。

    1. Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることへの必須の同意が必要な無料サービス。

    2.  Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることへの必須の同意が必要な無料商品。


    Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることに同意したお客様は、ご自分の同意を、Eメール、郵送、またはEメールに記載されている配信停止リンクを通じて、いつでも取り消すことができます。重要:Testoが提供する無料サービスまたは無料商品が、取り消しの時点でまだ提供/引渡されていない場合、このサービスまたは物品に対する請求権はもはや存在しないものとします。 Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることに同意したくないお客様は、関連するサービスまたは商品を有料で購入することができます。価格はwww.testo.comでご確認ください。または、Testo営業部に価格をお問い合わせください:


    Ad a.: Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることへの必須の同意が必要な無料サービスとしては、既存のメーカー保証の1年間の延長が、一部の測定器のために、提供されます。既存のメーカー保証はでご確認ください。 有効期間:2018年9月1日から現在まで

    Ad b.: Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることへの必須の同意が必要な無料商品としては、登録された製品に適した付属品が提供されます。



    2.8.2 無料サービスまたは無料商品の提供の処理





    • 登録された製品

    • 測定器の登録日

    • 登録された測定器のシリアルナンバー

    • Testoからアプリケーション固有の情報を受け取ることへの同意を、匿名化された電子メールアドレスから取り消した日付








    • 登録された製品

    • 氏名

    • 会社名

    • 住所



    2.5. Testo newsletter

    Our newsletter keeps you regularly informed about our products, news, events and promotions.

    A personal touch is our top priority when it comes to our service. It is important for us to address you personally when presenting our products and services. This is why we need your first and last name. Furthermore, we offer the platform and related services exclusively to companies. By providing your business e-mail address and company name, we can be sure that you are the right contact person. Your telephone number enables us to contact you directly, and to answer initial queries immediately and thus more effectively.

    When we send out our newsletters, which require registration, we use the so-called double opt-in procedure or single opt-in procedure (depending on the country), i.e. we will only send you a newsletter if you have expressly agreed beforehand that we should activate the newsletter service. If a double opt-in is required in your country, you must also have confirmed that the e-mail address you have provided belongs to you. We will send you a notification e-mail for this purpose and ask you to confirm that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided by clicking on a link contained in this e-mail. If you have already confirmed that you are the owner of this e-mail address for another purpose, we may not require you to do this.

    If you confirm your e-mail address, your e-mail address, the time of registration and the IP address used for registration will be stored by us until you cancel the newsletter subscription. The purpose of the storage is solely to send you the newsletter and be able to verify your registration. The legal basis for the processing is your consent in accordance with art. 6(1)(a) GDPR.

    The newsletter subscription can be cancelled any time, e.g. via the unsubscribe link contained in each newsletter. Alternatively, you can also address your wish to cancel the newsletter to the above-mentioned contact data. The only charge for this is the cost of transmission according to the basic tariff of your internet service provider.

    2.6. Testimonials and competitions at Testo

    If you are participating in one of our testimonials, we use your data for market and opinion research as well as for product optimisation. We analyse data categorically only for internal purposes. If, exceptionally, testimonials are not analysed anonymously, the data will be collected only with your consent. For evaluations relating to person, the legal basis is the above-mentioned consent in accordance with art. 6(1)(1)(a) GDPR.

    During competitions, we use your data for the purpose of carrying out the competition and winner notification. Detailed instructions can be found in our conditions of participation for the respective competition. The legal basis of the processing is the competition agreement in accordance with art. 6(1)(1)(b) GDPR.

    2.7. Applications for positions at Testo

    You can apply for open positions at Testo via our application management system MHM eRecruiting. The purpose of collecting data is the selection of applicants for the potential creation of an employment relationship. For the reception and processing of your application, we collect the following data:

    • Salutation

    • Name and surname

    • Address • E-mail address

    • Phone number

    • Date of birth

    • Salary requirement

    • Notice period

    • Application documents (e.g. certificates, CV)

    The legal basis for the processing of your application documents is art. 6(1)(1)(b) and art. 88(1) GDPR in conjunction with national data protection law.

    Refer also to the applicable downloading conditions for further information.

    2.9.3 Online content

    Testo provides online content on its website. Registration is required beforehand in order to download online content. Online content may include:

    • White papers (pdf)

    • E-books (pdf)

    It is evident from the respective input forms which data is collected in each case. When registering for downloads, the following data will be collected for example:


    • Name and surname

    • E-mail address

    • Company

    • Phone number

    • Country

    In this context, we will process the data for the following purposes:


    • Providing and sending the download link

    • Communicating with and informing recipients in accordance with the applicable download conditions

    The information may concern the following topics: 


    • New Testo product updates

    • Testo seminars and webinars on measuring technology subjects

    • Testo surveys, product tests and recommendations of suitable third-party products. 


    A standard part of the download service is the sending of promotional e-mails to participants. These e-mails contain information about products, news, events and promotions from Testo. The legal basis of this data processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.

    2.3. Registration in the online shop and Testo Cloud

    You have the opportunity to register for our login area in the online shop and in the Testo Cloud, to enable you to benefit from the full range of functions of our website and the Testo Cloud. It is evident from the respective input forms which data is collected in each case. We have indicated which data is mandatory by marking the respective fields as required fields. Without this data it is not possible to register. The legal basis of the processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.

    2.4. Online orders

    2.4.1 Ordering in the online shop

    During the order process, we collect the mandatory information required for the processing of the contract:

    • Salutation

    • Name and surname

    • E-mail address

    • Billing and shipping address

    • Phone number

    Optional details such as customer number, company details and your role can be provided so that we can allocate your order to a suitable account manager. The legal basis of the processing is art. 6(1)(1)(b) GDPR.

    For the purpose of contract performance, we pass your details to the shipping company instructed with the delivery, to the extent that this is required for the delivery of the goods ordered. Depending on which payment service provider you select during the order process, we pass the payment details collected for the purpose of payment processing to the financial institution instructed to process the payment and, if appropriate, to the payment service provider instructed by us, or to the selected payment service.

    All payments in our online shop are processed by the payment provider Unzer GmbH, Vangerowstraße 18, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany, and/or Unzer Luxembourg S.A., Socit anonyme 1, Place du March, L-6755 Grevenmacher, R.C.S. Luxembourg B144133 (hereinafter “Unzer”). In the process, you transmit your payment details via a secure https connection to the servers of Unzer. This transmission is made solely to process your payment. Details on payment via Unzer can be obtained from Unzer’s GTCs and data protection regulations at:

    If Testo provides payment in advance, e.g. in the case of a purchase on account, and to protect its legitimate interests, Testo reserves the right to make enquiries about identity and creditworthiness with service providers specialising in this – Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V., Hellersbergstraße 12, D-41460 Neuss – or to make the granting of certain payment terms contingent upon a credit check. The credit report can contain probability values (score values), which are calculated on the basis of scientifically proven mathematical-statistical procedures, where the address data, among other information, flows into the calculation. The information received regarding the statistical probability of a payment default is used by us for a balanced decision on the rationale, implementation or termination of the contractual relationship. Your legitimate interests are considered in accordance with the statutory provisions.

    2.4.2 Ordering an e-learning course

    We collect the necessary mandatory data for registration on our e-learning platform:

    • First name

    • Surname

    • E-mail address

    The legal basis of the processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.

    During the ordering process in our IT systems (e-learning platform and in SAP), we collect the mandatory data necessary for processing the contract:

    • Salutation

    • Surname

    • First name

    • E-mail address

    • Street and house number

    • Postcode

    • City

    For invoicing, the company name and telephone number are optional but are required for clarifying any queries. The legal basis of the processing is art. 6(1)(1)(b) GDPR.

    The above data is collected for the following purposes:

    • Provision of the e-learning platform including its features and content

    • Continuous improvement of the e-learning platform

    • Continuous improvement of our range of courses

    • Management of users on this website

    • Confirmation of the learner’s achievements by issuing a certificate of participation

    • The learner profile is stored in accordance with our terms of use (link).

    • In case of “non-use”, the deletion of the user and learner profile takes place after nine months.

    Information on the deletion of your data:

    To apply for deletion of your data relating to our e-learning area, please e-mail In terms of deleting your data, we proceed as explained in point 7.

    Refer also to the applicable conditions of participation for further information.

    2.9. Promotions, events and online content

    2.9.1 Promotions (competitions, product tests) 

    Testo offers regular promotions (competitions, product tests). Participation rules are set out in the conditions of participation.


    It is evident from the respective entry forms which data is collected in each case. When registering for participation, the following data will be collected for example:


    • Name and surname

    • E-mail address

    • Company

    • Phone number

    In this context, we will process data for the following purposes:


    • Creating a list of participants

    • Planning the event and grouping participants

    • Creating a user account 

    • Identifying individual participants during the event

    • Communicating in parallel during and after the event for the purpose of participant queries

    • Communicating with and informing recipients in accordance with the applicable conditions of participation

    The information may concern the following topics: 


    • New Testo product updates

    • Testo seminars and webinars on measuring technology subjects

    • Testo surveys, product tests and recommendations of suitable third-party products. 

    In addition, the participants’ personal data will be processed in order to determine if they are eligible to participate.


    A standard condition for participation is sending promotional e-mails to participants. These e-mails contain information about products, news, events and promotions from Testo. The legal basis of this data processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.

    Refer also to the applicable downloading conditions for further information.

    2.9.4 Software downloads

    Testo provides software solutions on its website. Registration is required beforehand in order to download and update software. 


    It is evident from the respective input forms which data is collected in each case. When registering for downloads, the following data will be collected for example:


    • Name and surname

    • E-mail address

    • Company

    • Phone number

    • Country

    In this context, we will process the data for the following purposes:


    • Providing and sending the download link

    • Identifying the individual recipients of the software solution (protection of intellectual property)

    • Communicating with and informing recipients in accordance with the applicable download conditions

    The information may concern the following topics: 


    • New Testo product updates

    • Testo seminars and webinars on measuring technology subjects

    • Testo surveys, product tests and recommendations of suitable third-party products. 

    A standard part of the download service is the sending of promotional e-mails to participants. These e-mails contain information about products, news, events and promotions from Testo. The legal basis of this data processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR. 

    Refer also to the applicable conditions of participation for further information.

    2.9.2 Events (webinars, seminars and product demonstrations)

    Testo offers regular events. Registration is required beforehand in order to participate. It is evident from the respective input forms which data is collected in each case. When registering, the following data will be collected for example:


    • Name and surname

    • E-mail address

    • Company

    • Phone number

    • Country

    In this context, we will process data for the following purposes:


    • Creating a list of participants

    • Planning the event and grouping participants

    • Creating a user account 

    • Identifying individual participants during the event

    • Communicating in parallel during and after the event for the purpose of participant queries

    • Communicating with and informing recipients in accordance with the applicable conditions of participation

    The information may concern the following topics: 


    • New Testo product updates

    • Testo seminars and webinars on measuring technology subjects

    • Testo surveys, product tests and recommendations of suitable third-party products. 

    In addition, the participants’ personal data will be processed in order to determine if they are eligible to participate.


    A standard condition for participation is sending promotional e-mails to participants. These e-mails contain information about products, news, events and promotions from Testo. The legal basis of this data processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR. 

    2. When and for what purpose does Testo collect data concerning you?

    3. Disclosure of your data


    Insofar as external service providers are used (hosting providers, application management, shipping service provider, etc.) to operate this website or to provide services via a Testo Group company, or another Testo Group company is responsible for the processing, the companies concerned receive the access to your data only to the extent necessary for the fulfilment of their respective tasks and functions.

    Insofar as these service providers and Testo Group companies process their data outside the European Union, this can lead to your data being transmitted to a country which does not offer the same data protection standards as the European Union.

    In this case, we will ensure that the respective recipients of your data contractually (standard contractual clauses) or otherwise guarantee a level of data protection that is equivalent to that of the European Union. You will be provided with a copy of these standard contractual clauses by sending a request to You can also obtain more information about the international component of data protection from the European Commission.

    4. Why does this website use cookies?

    We use cookies to design the navigation and use of our websites to be as user-friendly as possible. Cookies are smaller files with text information, which are filed on your hard drive when the website is called up. Cookies are used for the temporary storage of information - for example for statistical analysis or to control the connection during the visit to a website. Cookies are also used to store the preferences of the visitors. Thus, we can match the contents of our website specifically to your requirements and therefore improve our service for you. We are unable to create any references to users with the cookies.

    You can deactivate the option to store these cookies at any time in the system settings of your browser and delete existing cookies. Every user can also view the website without cookies. If you do not accept any cookies, this can, however, lead to a restriction in the functionality of our website.

    Some of the cookies used by us are automatically deleted from your hard drive (session cookies) after the end of the browser session (end of session). In addition, we also use cookies, which remain on your hard drive for a specific time beyond the browser session. These persistent cookies are stored on your hard drive and deleted by the browser after the specified time. The cookies can also be from third-party service providers.

    Cookies required to carry out the electronic communication process or to provide specific functions you requested (e.g. use of the shopping basket) are stored on the basis of art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in storing cookies for the purpose of the technically smooth and optimised provision of its services. Insofar as other cookies (e.g. cookies for the analysis of surfing habits) are stored, these are dealt with separately in this privacy

    5. Use of cookies and similar technologies for the purpose of analysis

    We also use cookies and similar technologies for advertising purposes. Some of the access data accruing during the use of our website is used for interest-based advertising. Analysis and evaluation of this access data enables us to present personalised advertisements on our website and on the websites of other providers. This means advertisements corresponding to your actual interests and needs.

    The legal basis for the data processing described in the following section is art. 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR, based on our legitimate interest to present personalised advertisements to you.

    In the following section we would like to explain to you these technologies and the service providers deployed for this purpose in more detail.

    The collected data can include the following data, in particular:

    • The IP address of the device

    • The date and time of the access

    • The identification number of a cookie

    • The device identification of mobile devices

    • Technical information on the browser and the operating system.

    The data collected is, however, stored only pseudonymously so that it is not possible to make any direct conclusions about the individuals.

    In the following descriptions of the technologies we use, you will find information on the options for objection regarding our analysis and advertising measures by way of a so-called opt-out cookie. Please note that after the deletion of all cookies in your browser or the later use of another browser and/or profile, another opt-out cookie must be placed.

    Below, are the options for objection regarding your analysis and advertising measures. Alternatively, you can raise your objection via corresponding settings on the websites Truste, NAI, DAA or Your Online Choices, where options for objecting are provided by many advertisers combined. This page permits the listed service providers to deactivate all advertisements at once, by way of opt-out cookies or, alternatively, to handle the setting for each provider individually.

    5.1 Google (Universal) Analytics

    This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google“). Google Analytics uses cookies and similar technologies to enable the analysis and improvement of our website, based on your usage habits. The data arising in this connection can be transmitted by Google to a server in the USA and stored there, for the purpose of evaluation. However, your IP address is abbreviated prior to the evaluation of the usage statistics so that it is not possible to draw any direct conclusions as to your identity. For this purpose, Google Analytics has been expanded on our website, to include the code “anonymizeIP”, to ensure an anonymised capture of IP addresses.

    Google will process the information obtained by the cookies to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activities for the website operators, and to provide other services connected to the website use and internet usage.

    As shown above, you can configure your browser in such a way that it rejects cookies or you can prevent the capture of the data generated by cookies and related to your use of our website in the cookie settings of Google’s Privacy Policy. Alternatively, you can also prevent the processing of such data by Google by downloading and installing the browser add-on provided by Google (the latter does not work with mobile terminal devices).

    Further information to that end can be found in the Privacy Policy of Google Analytics.

    Google Analytics cookies are stored on the basis of art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analysing the user habits to optimise its website as well as its advertising.

    5.2 Google Optimizer

    Testo uses the “Google Optimizer” service. Google Optimizer allows us to track the effects of various changes to a website (e.g. changes to the input fields, design) within the framework of so-called “A/B testing”. Cookies are placed on users’ devices for these test purposes. Only pseudonymous user data is processed.

    5.3 Google AdWords Conversion Tracking and Remarketing

    Our websites use the services “AdWords Conversion-Tracking” and AdWords Remarketing” by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google“). Customers’ actions defined by us are captured (such as, for example, clicking on an advertisement, page visits, downloads) and analysed using “AdWords Conversion-Tracking”. We use “AdWords Remarketing” to show you individualised advertising messages regarding our products on partner websites of Google. Both services use cookies and similar technologies for this purpose. The data arising in this connection can be transmitted by Google to a server in the USA and stored there, for the purpose of evaluation.

    If you are using a Google account, depending on the settings in the Google account, Google is able to link your web and app browser history with your Google account and use information from your Google account to personalise advertisements. If you do not want such a link to your Google account to be made, you need to log out of Google before calling up our contact page.

    As shown above, you can configure your browser so that it rejects cookies. In addition, by using the cookie settings in Google’s Privacy Policy, you can prevent Google from using cookies for advertising purposes.

    Further information to that end can be found in Google’s Privacy Policy.

    5.4 LinkedIn Conversion Tracking

    We use the re-targeting-tool LinkedIn Conversion Tracking of LinkedIn Ireland, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (»LinkedIn«). For this purpose, the LinkedIn Insight Tag is integrated in the website of Testo, enabling LinkedIn to collect statistical, pseudonym data about your visit to and use of our website and to provide us with corresponding aggregated statistics on this basis. Furthermore, this information assists in facilitating the advertising of offers and recommendations tailored to your interests. You can prevent the storage of cookies via a browser setting. Alternatively, you can object to this form of data processing by setting an opt-out cookie via the following link; this cookie will remain on your device until you delete the cookies. This option is available to LinkedIn members as well as to non-members.

    Further information to this can also be found in the data protection provisions of LinkedIn.

    6. Use of functions of further providers

    7. When will your data be deleted?

    In principle, we store personal data only as long as this is required for the fulfilment of contractual or legal obligations which are the reason for the collection of the data. After that, we delete the data immediately, unless we require the data until the expiry of the legal limitation periods for the purposes of evidence in civil claims or due to statutory retention requirements.

    For evidentiary purposes, we have to retain contract data for three years after the end of the year the business relationship with you ends. According to statutory limitation periods, potential claims become time-barred no earlier than at this point in time.

    After that, we still have to store part of your data for accounting purposes. We have an obligation to do so on account of legal documentation requirements, which can arise from the German Commercial Code, the Tax Code, the Banking Act, the Money Laundering Act and the Securities Trading Act. The retention periods for documents specified in the above legislation are two to ten years.

    8. What are your data protection rights?

    You have the right at any time to request information on the processing of your personal data by us. We will explain the data processing to you within the course of providing this information and furnish you with an overview of your stored personal data.

    If data stored by us should be incorrect or no longer up to date, you have the right for this data to be corrected.

    You can also request the deletion of your data. Should deletion not be possible in exceptional cases due to other legal provisions, the data shall be blocked so that it is only available for this legal purpose.

    Furthermore, you can restrict the processing of your data, e.g. if you are of the opinion that the data stored by us is not correct. You also have the right to data portability; in other words, upon your request, we shall forward a digital copy to you containing the personal data that you have provided.

    In order to assert the rights described here, you may contact us at any time using the above-mentioned contact details. This also applies if you wish to receive copies of warranties for evidence of a reasonable level of data protection.

    Furthermore, you have the right to object to data processing, based on art. 6(1)(e or f) GDPR. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority responsible for us. You can exercise this right at a supervisory authority in the member state of your residence, your place of employment or the place of the suspected breach. In Baden-Württemberg, the competent supervisory authority is: the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information for Baden-Württemberg, postbox 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart, Königstraße 10a, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany.

    9. Right of revocation and objection

    In accordance with art. 7(3) of the GDPR, you have the right to revoke consent once granted to us at any time. In future, we shall consequently cease to process the data that is the object of the consent. The revocation of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent up to the time of the revocation.

    Insofar as we process your data on the basis of legitimate interests pursuant to art. 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR, you have the right in accordance with art. 21 GDPR to raise an objection to the processing of your data, insofar as there are grounds for this arising from your particular situation or where the objection is aimed at direct advertising. In the latter case, you have a general right of objection, which we shall implement also without the need for substantiation.


    If you wish to use your right to revoke or your right of objection, an informal notification to the above-mentioned contacts is sufficient.

    10. Data security


    We maintain current technical measures to safeguard data security, in particular, for the protection of your personal data against risks during data transmissions as well as protection against third parties acquiring knowledge of your personal data. These are correspondingly adjusted to the current state of the art. To secure the personal data specified by yourself on our website, we use Transport Layer Security (TLS) which encrypts the information you enter.

    11. Amendment of the Privacy Policy


    We occasionally update this Privacy Policy, for example, when we amend our website or if the legal or official requirements change.